Course Syllabus

Course Objective

By the end of the semester, you will meet or exceed the National Standards for Foreign Language learning Requirements, as summarized below:

Goal 1: Communicate in Languages Other Than English

Goal 2: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures

Goal 3: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information

Goal 4: Develop Insight into Own Language & Culture

Goal 5: Participate in Multilingual Communities & Global Societies

Grading Policy

Grades are split into three categories: 20% Informal assessments (homework, class work, practices), 30% mid-level assessments (quizzes) and 50% formal assessments (tests & projects.) Final exams are worth 25% of your semester grade, but are subject to exemption.  

Daily Routine

  1. Each day will begin with a review of the previous’ day’s lesson and Q&A time. (10 min)
  2. Next, we will learn the concept for the day. (20 min)
  3. At this time, students attending virtually may log off (or stay).
  4. For those in physical attendance, we will spend the next class hour applying the day’s concept. Virtual students should use this time to do the corresponding assignment on Canvas.
  5. Students will also read a book of their choice for 10 minutes a day in Spanish. *See Lectura Libre handout for details.

Weekly Routine

Students will attend a full class period on their (alphabetically assigned) day. Students will attend the first 30 minutes of class every other day (Monday-Thursday). Students should plan to mute and turn off video when logging on, but will be asked at various times to turn microphones and video on to participate as activities dictate. If a student must miss attending class at any time, they may access the day’s lesson on Canvas.

Attendance Policy/Makeup Work

  1. Full attendance in this course under our current model (Plan B) requires a student to "attend" 180 minutes of class per week--ideally 90 minutes live and a total of 90 virtual. *Videos of each day's lesson will be available on Canvas; older lessons will remain on Canvas (archived).
  2. All materials will be available online on Canvas posted under "This Week's Work." At the end of each class period, I will put copies of any physical notes or work in the wall folders (for those who prefer physical to digital), where you will be able to access them at any time. If you have any additional questions, always feel free to ask. 
  3. Do your best to do and turn in work in a timely manner. The current learning environment will require you to exercise time management; check Canvas regularly & email me without hesitation if you have a question or need assistance.

Behavior Policy

  1. Students must remain seated during teacher lecture time. There is no reason to be out of your seat while your teacher is teaching you.
  2. Excessive talking or speaking out of turn will not be tolerated. Show respect for yourself, your teacher, & your peers by signaling & being called on before you speak.
  3. Cell phones. DON’T USE THEM DURING CLASS! (unless I tell you to…)
  4. Participating in any activity not related to class (ie, makeup, passing around food or personal items) will not be tolerated & may result in the loss of personal items.
  5. Be prepared for class every day. Bring your notebook, pen/cil, laptop & passport.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty. Please refer to your Student Handbook for consequences. There are many different concepts of plagiarism, and in Spanish class, what may be considered plagiarism to the teacher may be an honest mistake on the student’s part. To avoid confusion, know that using a translation program for anything longer than a word or phrase is plagiarism, as is having a friend or family member supply the answers to your work.

To contact Sra. Schiller

The best way to contact me is via email--don’t hesitate to do so! I will always answer you! Email is also a good forum for voicing your personal concerns or even venting. If you want a same-day reply, make sure I get your email by 10:00 pm.

I’m looking forward to a FANTASTIC semester in Spanish with you!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due