Course Syllabus

English II Syllabus - Virtual Academy


Roxanne Breitenfeld, M. Ed.
(Cover 2 Cover Book Club advisor)

Instructor Contact Information:


School phone: 704-296-3130

Classroom Location: E122


Contact information for Mrs. Furr - 


Phone / Text: 843-337-6641

Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:10 am - 11:30 am or as scheduled upon request

Please contact me if you need help with your assignments.

Helpful Links:

Each Day...

1. Check Your Email 

2. Check Your Canvas Announcements 

          • Respond to the announcement. There will be a "bell-ringer" prompt. This is how I will take attendance EVERY day!

3. Complete One Module Assignment 

4.  Log-in to Microsoft Teams from 9 to 9:30 via Canvas Calendar (strongly recommended)

          • Friday - No Live Meetings

Bell Schedule

8:10 - 9:50 10 minutes Redhawk Time (buffer + 85 minute 1st block)

9:55 - 11:25 90 minute 2nd Block

11:30 - 1:30 120 minutes with bathroom stop and 25 minutes in the cafe

Lunch Schedule 

1:35 - 3:05 90 minutes

11:45 - 12:10 Breitenfeld 25-6 Front Hall Bathroom

Web Platform: Canvas-  Daily assignments will be linked to Canvas. Additionally, the syllabus and other important class information can be found on Canvas. Canvas is where students will check for class announcements, keep track of their assignments, and submit most of their work. Students can and should access this platform from NCEdCloud. 

Curriculum: Common Core: ELA Standards


    • Show up
    • Give your best
    • Ask questions
    • Be respectful 
    • Be flexible

Grading Procedures:

 Students will take the EOC at the end of the semester. This state exam comprises ¼ of the student’s final grade  Furthermore, these scores contribute to our school report-card grade. Each six weeks grade also counts as ¼ of the student’s final grade.

Students must score a 3  (77%) or higher on the EOC to demonstrate proficiency. 

Ten-Point Scale- 

A: 100-90           B: 80-89            C: 70-79           D: 60-69           F: 59-0

Percentages- All assignments are based on a 100% grade scale in my classroom. Important assignments may carry more weight based on length, significance, and difficulty.


Ample time will be provided to complete assignments. Thus, late work will NOT earn higher than 60%.

If an assignment is turned in late due to an absence, the student SHOULD clarify this information in the notes section of a Canvas assignment submission. Likewise, it should be noted at the top of a hand-written assignment. Students have two days for each day absent to turn in late work without penalty. 

Extra-credit is only offered to students who have NO incomplete assignments

Grades can be checked by students and parents via Powerschool at any time in the school year. Parents will need an access password which they can obtain from the front office. 

Additional Items: 

Plagiarism- Taking credit for someone else's work or ideas is considered cheating, and this offense is handled seriously at MHS. An offender can expect disciplinary action as well as a failing grade as consequences to plagiarism. 

Supplies: Chromebook and charger; Composition notebook; Books checked out to the student in class



Course Summary:

Date Details Due