Course Syllabus


Mr. Wilson

Task List

 Course Description: A study of the ceramic arts from the geological weathering of clay to industry at the present time.  The history of clay will range from about 7000 BC to present with an emphasis on the pottery of North Carolina.  Class time will include listening to lectures and demonstrations, watching videos, and project work time. The class will learn and use the basic hand building methods, with the focus on craftsmanship! The average project time is maybe 5 days to maybe 2 weeks, so use your time wisely (projects that break cannot be graded and will receive a failing grade until remade). Pottery is much like art and is integrated with all other disciplines. Pottery I will prepare the student for Pottery II, and will focus on preparing students to further their knowledge and the understanding of ceramics as a visual art.


  • To understand Pottery in relation to history and the different cultures.
  • To develop critical and creative thinking skills and the perceptual awareness necessary for understanding and producing art.
  • To develop the skills necessary for understanding and applying techniques and processes.
  • To organize the components of a work into a cohesive whole through the knowledge of organizing principles of design and art elements.
  • To be able to choose and evaluate a range of subject matter and ideas to communicate intended meaning in artworks.
  • To reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.
  • To perceive connections between visual arts and other disciplines.
  • To develop an awareness of art as an avocation and profession.

Test and Exams: There will be tests on subject matter discussed and studied in class as well as a final exam. These tests will be counted as a percentage of your 6 week grade and the exam will be counted as one fourth of your final grade for the course.

Sketch Books: A sketchbook is MANDATORY for all of my art classes.  The sketchbook will be used twice a week and will be graded on Friday. A sketchbook is much like a personal journal and may be used as a way to store ideas, drawings, and will be used for reflective writings on teacher determined subjects.  Each day will be worth 50pts. (that is 2 X 50 = 100 for the week). You should put your full effort into the assignment to earn the full 50 points.

Incomplete's:  Will be given only in the case of certifiable extended illness, or severe personal problems. NO incomplete will be given if your absences are unexcused.

Grading:    Class Participation 


Quiz's (counts as class participation)

