Course Syllabus
Civics and Economics – Fall 2020 Mr. James Smith E225
Civics and Economics provides a framework for understanding the basic tenets of American democracy, practices of American government as established by the US Constitution, basic concepts of American politics and citizenship and concepts in macro and micro economics and personal finance. The essential standards of this course are organized under three strands – Civics and Government, Personal Financial Literacy and Economics. The Civics and Government strand is framed to develop students’ increased understanding of the institutions of constitutional democracy and the fundamental principles and values upon which they are founded, the skills necessary to participate as effective and responsible citizens and the knowledge of how to use democratic procedures for making decisions and managing conflict. The Economic and Personal Financial Literacy strands are framed to provide students with an understanding of the role economic factors play in making economic decisions, the ability to reason logically about key economic issues and the knowledge and skills needed to manage personal financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security.
There may be a quiz on the material learned the previous day. This will require the student to be attentive during class. There will also regularly be homework and in class assignments to check students understanding of the material.
If you are absent for any reason, excused or unexcused, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check Canvas for missing assignments/readings that need to be completed. Missing homework assignments are to be turned in the next day. It is your responsibility to show them to me. Special arrangements can be made for students that are out for extended periods of time. Tests and quizzes may be made up before school, after school, or during lunch. Please okay it with me if you plan to stay after school.
Office Hours
Friday: TBD
Grades are given on a point basis. Different assignments will be weighted by their scope and importance to the class. To calculate a grade take the total amount of earned divided by the total amount of points available. All grades are final.
- A set of earbuds that will work with your Chromebook.
- A spiral bound notebook.
- A 3 ring binder notebook with plenty of loose-leaf paper.
- Black/blue ink and #2 pencils. Work completed in anything other than blue/black ink or pencil will be not accepted or graded.
This class moves very quickly and if you are drowning, I need to know! You (and your parent/guardian) are always welcome to contact me at:
School Phone: 704-290-1520
Classroom Rules –
- Follow directions the first time.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Be prepared and on time every day.
- No cursing, name calling, put downs, or bullying.
- Accept responsibility for your decisions.
If you choose not to follow the classroom rules, ANY of the following actions may be taken:
- Verbal warning.
- Written warning
- Discipline essay
- Contact with parents/guardian.
- Referral to administration.
I have read all of the above information with my child and will work with my child to ensure his or her success in Civics and Economics. I will contact Mr. Smith with any questions, comments, or concerns immediately.
Student Name: _________________________________
_________________________________ _____________________________
Signature of parent / guardian Printed name of parent / guardian Date
What is the best way to reach you? Home Phone / Work Phone / Cell Phone (please circle one)
Phone Number: ________________________
Email: ________________________________________
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |