Course Syllabus

English I College Prep Syllabus

Instructor: Laura Owens

Contact Information:    Room G111     (704)-290-1520       Email:

Instagram: @MsOwensMRHS




  • Chromebook
  • Charger
  • One-subject notebook
  • Headphones



1) Show up and sit up.      2)  Take ownership.     3) Be respectful. 4) Be the best version of yourself.


In order to have a safe environment, please remember the following:  

  • No hateful commentary will be tolerated, even if said in jest.
  • Nothing goes airborne, especially germs.
  • Wait until someone has finished speaking before speaking, including the announcements.
  • We will follow all school policies, procedures, and regulations, especially pertaining to COVID-19.


Course Description: Students in English I will examine a range of literary works to enhance their interpretive and critical thinking skills for success as a 21st century student in a globally based world of relationships and information. The course will include literature and strategies for reading comprehension, vocabulary, writing, grammar, and research: all components to facilitate student learning. The state of North Carolina has adopted Common Core Standards, which focus on reading literature and informational texts, writing, language, speaking, and listening. These skills will be developed throughout the class. The works we will use as a basis for this skill development are The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, and Of Mice and Men.

Course Requirements

1) Notebook

What is the purpose?  While we will be conducting this course mostly online, this one-subject notebook will help you interact with materials given to you to enhance your understanding of coursework. I do require that this notebook be dedicated solely to your English work. It is a space to keep a record of your input (the things you receive from the teacher or other sources) and your output (the work you do as your process your learning). There will be a digital “notebook” component on Google Drive; instructions for this will come later.

How can I earn an "A" on my notebook?  Your notebook will be checked at random to ensure you’ve kept up with the requirements. The random checks will count for a grade each time.

What happens if I am absent? If you miss a class session, remember all materials will be online. If there are notes taken during the class day, you are still responsible for copying those notes into your notebook.

2) Silent Sustained Reading (SSR)

                You are required to have an outside reading book at all times. We routinely spend time in class reading. You may use the school library as a main resource to find books, but there are other ways to have a book as well, such as books from home or the public library. If you need help picking out a book to read, please ask me. If you do not have your book, you will be given an alternate. You must have a book with you at all times, starting August 28.

Additionally, you will have a reading log, on which you are to track the books and pages you’ve read through the entire semester. You are required to read 700 pages in the semester. Reading over this number will be the only extra credit opportunity for the semester. The reading log will be due at the end of the semester and will be worth 10% of your final grade.

3) Grammar

You will have a list of grammar practices from the website NoRedInk. You have the entire semester to work through these assignments. They are due the end of the semester and will be worth 10% of your final grade.

4) Citizenship

                A citizen by definition is someone who is granted rights and responsibilities as a member of a community. Our classroom is a community, and so while you have rights, you also have responsibilities. Following all class rules, contributing to class discussions, putting your cell phone away, focusing only on this subject during class, staying on task, and doing your share in group projects are a few examples of how you’re expected to contribute as a citizen. Please be aware every student starts out with an 80% for Citizenship, from which you can either lose or gain points. You will receive one overall Citizenship grade for each grading period, which will be 15 percent of your grade, calculated based on the overall point total.

I will be tracking your Citizenship grade online, which students and parents can access at any time. Information for individual students will be given out during the first week of school.

Academic Integrity: I expect total honesty from you regarding the completion of assignments.  Lying, cheating, and plagiarism are serious offenses that can result in formal disciplinary action.  Misrepresenting someone else’s ideas or work as your own is completely unacceptable and shows a lack of integrity. It is never appropriate to copy someone else’s work.  This includes copying a peer’s answers on classwork.  If you are unsure how to properly cite resources you have used, please ask me for help.  If you are unsure whether or not it is appropriate to use resources during a particular assignment, ask me.  

Discipline Protocol: The expectations listed above are in place to ensure your success.  If you do not meet the expectations, you will face the following consequences, which may vary in severity depending on the seriousness of the infraction.

  1. Teacher –Student Conference:  If you violate one of the rules listed above, I will ask to speak with you privately to gain a better understanding of the situation and remind you of the policy.
  2. Teacher—Coach/Sponsor Conference: If applicable, I will reach out to your athletic coach or club sponsor requesting for help with your behavior.
  3. Phone Call Home:  If you are unable to turn your behavior around or resolve the matter through communication, I will contact your parents.
  4. Office Referral:  If the problem persists, I will refer you to administration or the intervention team, which includes your guidance counselor.   



Live Conference Attendance: For those of you attending class remotely, you are expected to conduct yourself as if you were in class in person. You will still follow along with the class as it’s being taught. Handle the camera and chat features responsibly; particularly avoid using either as a tool for distraction.

Arrival & Departure:  For students in person, enter the room, prepare your materials for class, and begin working on the assignment on the board. For those learning remotely, there will be a wait screen with information to help guide you into the class. There will be instructions on the board every day.  Do not pack up while the lesson is in progress, and make sure to clean up after yourself.   

Grading: Our class functions on a point system, meaning you can always calculate your grades by determining the total number of points you have earned and dividing by the total number possible. You and your parents may monitor your grades using PowerSchool, which I will update regularly. My gradebook is not weighted.

Restroom Use: If you need to use the restroom during class, you wined to ask me for a hall pass. When you return, please place the pass in the recycling. Only one person may use the restroom at a time. You may leave class only up to once per day; under COVID-19 regulations, you are not to use the restroom between class changes.

Cell Phones: You will be required to keep your phone in your backpack at all times, unless otherwise specifically directed. (Keep in mind, this excludes pockets as an acceptable place to keep your phones.) Your phone must be put away by the tardy/moment of silence bell. It will stay there until the bell to end class. Phones not put away will result in loss of participation points for the day. Smart watches count as phones as well. You may keep it on but only use it for checking time.

Late Work: All assignment due dates will be posted with assignments on Canvas. Pay attention to these dates; there is no excuse for not knowing a due date. If you are absent the day work is due, you must turn it into Canvas the day you return. Daily classwork and homework will not be accepted late.  Major assignments may be turned in late for a penalty of 10% per day late.

Tardiness and Absences: In-person learners are expected to be in their assigned seats and students learning remotely are expected to be logged into the conference when the final bell rings to begin working. If you were previously absent, check Canvas for missed assignments. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to turn in your work and obtain any missed assignments. I will not chase you down regarding what you missed. Additionally, “I wasn’t here that day,” isn’t an excuse not to have your work.

Fire Drill: In the event of a fire drill, we will exit the classroom in an orderly fashion and take a right turn out of the classroom, and then through the doors at the end of the hall. Once outside, we will take a right and walk toward the tennis courts.

Lockdown: When a lockdown is announced over the speaker, you must STAY QUIET. Everyone needs to get out of their seats and swiftly move to the wall with the objectives board. Sit down, do not talk, and do not get out your cell phones. I will be making sure the door is locked, the lights are off, and all windows are covered. We will stay quiet and seated until we are given the all-clear.


Please be advised that at times, media and film will be used to enhance student understanding and critical thinking. Most of the texts and/or film in this course deal with content that may be considered mature or controversial. In signing this form, you give permission for your students to read and engage with these texts and films. Should you choose to have your student abstain from a particular text or film, an alternative comparable assignment will be provided.

Please complete the Google Form to acknowledge that you have read and understood this syllabus.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due