Course Syllabus

English IV

Mrs. Marcia Larr

Room E103


British Literature 12th grade is an extensive study of British and European literature from the Anglo Saxon Period to the present.  Students’ studies will correlate with the state ELA Anchor Standards with emphasis on the reading of literature, fiction and nonfiction, as well as informational text.  Students will also have writing at different levels with a research project, argumentative in nature, using sources other than the book to support their argument.  Students will finally practice skills that will be important to them in the college atmosphere such as note taking strategies, editing, and planning. 


Semester focus:

  • Form a thesis statement that establishes a clear theme
  • Support a claim using textural evidence
  • Evaluate sources and synthesize information
  • Use knowledge of figurative language in writing
  • Apply the standards of MLA formatting
  • Engage and persuade an audience
  • Analyze how a theme is developed through literary conventions
  • Use language purposefully and effectively
  • Practice comprehension skills to prepare for formative assessments and

                 the final exam


Materials needed (due ASAP)

  • 3- ring binder and dividers
  • loose leaf paper – college-ruled
  • Pens, pencils, highlighters


Assignments are posted on the Canvas page.


Activate your PAM account in order to review your student’s grades on PowerSchool,


Grading scale- WEIGHTED

  • Assessments – Quiz, Classwork, Writing = 40%
  • Canvas Assessments(anything posted to Canvas)–Research, Homework,

Writing, = 20%

  • Formative Assessments (Benchmark and State practices) 10%
  • Test and projects = 30%


Behavior and Expectations

Students are expected to follow all rules, guidelines, and expectations as explained in the UCPS county policy and the student handbook.  Both of these documents can be viewed from the MRHS webpage.

Late Work – 9

Students will be assigned to SMART LUNCH TUTORIAL TO MAKE UP THE ASSIGNMENT. Written assignments and activities are submitted to Canvas.  Scores will be adjusted for late assignments (10 points a day


Research Project: Students will be involved in SEVERAL research projects throughout the semester.  The paper that is a part of the 3rd marking period average will include a paper and oral presentation of the project.







What is SMART lunch?

Students Maximizing Achievement, Relationships, and Time: a restructuring of the daily bell schedule that allows students to have a window of time in the middle of the day (between 2nd and 3rd periods) to address needs related to their academic life, social and emotion needs, college and career prep, and more. Students will have the opportunity to complete make-up work, receive tutoring help, participate in club meetings and activities explore areas of special interest, study, and collaborate with peers and staff for a variety of purposes during that band of time (60 minutes).

The purpose of SMART lunch is to provide opportunities for the students to enrich their learning experiences, their overall well-being, and/or receive additional academic during the school day Students would be able to access a wide variety of supports and opportunities without worrying about conflicting with after school responsibilities or lack of transportation.

The time is divided in to two sections – A lunch (seniors will participate in the area of their choice– tutoring, club meetings, interest activities, etc.) and in B lunch they during the second 30 minutes be given 30 minutes to eat in one of the designated areas.





Movie Permission Sheet

All R-rated movies and video content require parental permission. This includes those in school collections.


By signing the final page, you are acknowledging that your student has permission to view R-rated movies in English IV as well as other content related documents.  These movies have prior approval from administration before viewing and are used as a supplement to the curriculum of the class.





Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


Camelot and King Arthur    PG (Parental Guidance Suggested

Hamlet  Rating: PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)

Romeo and Juliet  Rating: G (General Audience)

Pride and Prejudice  Rating: PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)

Sense and Sensibility  Rating: : PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)




   Rating: R (Restricted)        Rating: R (Restricted)     


These selections may change due to availability of the movie .Signing this notice acknowledges the fact that you are aware of a possible change in the selection.



Parent Signature _______________________________________________

                              Print                                 sign





Date:  8/12/2020

Reference: Marcia B. Larr, English IV (CP and Honors) literature selections



Dear Parent/Guardian,

          This letter is to seek approval for your child to read the following text in English IV, the purpose being that these selections reflect the literary elements and components focused upon in the North Carolina Common Core Standards.  They are also a good choice for the students to use to prepare for their studies at the collegiate level. Please know that alternate titles and assignments of equal complexity and value are available.

Frankenstein, Shakespeare selections, selections from The King Arthur Collections, Canterbury Tales, Romantic and Victorian classics

By signing the last page, you are granting permission for your student to participate in the reading and discussion of stated text. Please feel free to contact the teacher or school administrator with any questions you may have.


  1. Larr

Union County Public Schools








Please sign and return this page that acknowledges you have read all required forms previously attached.  Thanks




Please sign below that you have read the syllabus and return to Ms. Larr.


Circle one:  1st period Honors         2nd period CP            3rd period Honors


______________________           _________________

Student Print name                       Class period



______________________           _________________ ____________

Student signature                        Parent – print and sign       


Email address for parent: ______________________________________________




I have read the syllabus and conduct information



Movie permission giving student permission to watch R rated movies such as Macbeth


In class novels permission form for text not in the literature book

Course Summary:

Date Details Due