Course Syllabus

     Welcome to Ms.B's Class

& other information

Work: (704) 296-3800

Cell: (704) 557-6040

Fax: (704)296-3090

First Semester Second Semester
1st Advanced Inquiry 1st English I 
2nd AP Language (Eng III H - Companion) 2nd PLANNING
3rd PLANNING 3rd English I
4th English I Honors 4th AP Language


 Welcome to Advanced Inquiry & Research (AIR)!

Course Objectives:

            This course serves as  basis for upper-level English courses and AP Language and AP Literature. It is designed to enhance close reading comprehension with increasing text complexity, hone synthesis writing along with documented research skills. With the intention of challenging students to expand their knowledge and skills, this course will prepare students for higher intellectual engagement by starting the development of skills and acquisition of knowledge as early as possible. 

EmpowerED Family Portal: Provides parents with links to online resources and apps that students can access. 

  • Canvas (Learning Platform at Central Academy): Unit modules, assignments, and materials are accessed through our learning platform. Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected, if students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions. It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem. The Canvas Learning Platform logs every student log-in on Canvas which provides teachers with a list of when students log-in to Canvas using their user ID. 
  • Canvas is used to grade assignments as well, however, the grades in Canvas, while accurate to the assignment, are NOT the teacher's grade book. The teacher's grade book includes categories of assignments that may be weighted differently and may include grades of assignments that did not use the Canvas Learning Platform. Therefore, students and parents should always check their child's true average on the Parent Portal on PowerSchool. 

Hybrid Plan B/D Learning Expectations for Ms. Barron’s Class

Given the extraordinary nature of online learning with in-person instruction, I will be teaching using a combination of Canvas and Microsoft Teams to accommodate all learners.

Consider Canvas as the “bricks and mortar” of my classroom—the infrastructure—that is, where all my content, syllabus, and modules are housed and organized.

Consider Microsoft Teams as our active learning environment, where we will meet daily, collaborate, and submit work. I will be recording live lessons during our scheduled class time and embedding those videos on the Canvas calendar on the days those lessons occurred.

 Although lessons will be recorded—my expectation is that EVERY student log-in and participate during scheduled class time. I strongly encourage that students show up and ready to learn at the assigned time. I assign daily work that requires timely submission to ensure your success in my course. All my daily work is a necessary preparation for major assessment which often account for 40% percent of your overall grade!!!

I will take attendance at the beginning of every class and I will mark students (virtual or in-person) absent who do not log in to our live Microsoft Teams class time!

Class Supplies: 

Course Binder with Labeled Dividers

  • 3-ring binder
  • 1 subject notebook or composition notebook
  • highlighters
  • blue/ black pens

Students must maintain a course binder for this class. Incomplete binders will adversely affect exam preparation and a student's grade. The binder should include the following sections:

  1. Narration
  2. Review
  3. Argument
  4. Editorial
  5. Rhetoric & Shakespeare: Othello
  6. Podcasts

Daybook/ Composition Notebook

Students must maintain a composition notebook for daily bell ringers.

***** Daybooks and Course Binders will be checked periodically for a grade!!!


Classroom Policies

  • While students are not required to take the AP exam: however, it is strongly encouraged because it is the culminating activity of the course.
  • All students must take the practice exam when administered. It emulates the actual testing experience. It will be held in the spring on a date to be announced.
  • Homework is due at the beginning of the period. According to school policy, students who were absent on the day the work was assigned must hand it in within 24 hours of the student’s return. A student whose absence was not excused or due to suspension must hand in the work on the day of his/her return for any credit. Because homework and process assignments (i.e. rough drafts, etc.) pertain to the lesson of the day, students earn no credit if they do not submit assignments on the due date. Students who miss an in-class assignment or quiz have 48 hours to make it up upon their return; otherwise, they will receive a zero on the assignment. The grade book closes at the end of each six-week period; consequently, late work from the previous six weeks will no longer be accepted, resulting in no credit for the assignment. Students will not pass this course if their work is consistently late, or if they submit the bulk of their work toward the end of the semester. Computer issues are not valid excuses for late
  • Successful students will attend class regularly and on time.
  • Consistent attendance is essential for success in this course. If a student is absent 10 or more times during a semester (excused or not), we will have an administrative meeting to discuss the student’s future in the course.
  • Successful students will demonstrate skills indicative of quality workers by bringing required materials, completing homework assignments, participating in class discussions, and respecting the opinions of others.
  • All final drafts of major written assignments are to be typed or word-processed and must adhere to the essay format (MLA) unless otherwise specified.
  • Students are not allowed to bring food, drinks (except water) into the classroom.
  • Cell phones must be turned off during class time. Any cell phone use during class time may result in disciplinary action.
  • This course is weighted as the following: 10% Daily Work: classwork, homework, participation, 20% Minor Assessments: quizzes, presentations, 30% Major Assessments: test, 40% Writings/Essays: essays, timed writings---note that major formal papers will be worth at least double the points of time writings. SEMESTER EXAM: 25% of semester grade!
  • The CATA conduct code will be strictly enforced including Zero Tolerance Policy concerning cruelty, harassment, excessive teasing, discrimination, violence, and intimidation. Foul language, derogatory remarks, and disrespect towards classmates, teachers, and school staff will not be tolerated.
  • Cheating and plagiarism on schoolwork will result in a zero on the assignment and could result in disciplinary action. Some assignments must be submitted through
  • Lack of respect for the property of others (including writing on or defacing desks), and disruptive behavior (including talking out of turn) could result in removal from the classroom and


Unit 1: NARRATION: The Personal Narrative Essay

Students will learn the aspects of a personal narrative essay which will culminate in a final memoir (which familiarizes students with the college application essay).  Students practice skills like writing with voice, using details to show rather than tell, structuring a narrative arc, and more. 

Unit 2: REVIEW: Writing a Review 

Students understand the genre of review writing and become aware of the role of critics in arts & culture.

Unit 3: ARGUMENT: The Art of Persuasion & the Craft of Argument

Students develop analytical skills to recognize and understand the tools of argument and persuasion, as well as persuasive skills, including the ability to analyze and integrate evidence appropriate to their audience. This unit will teach students the elements of rhetorical analysis.

Unit 4: RESEARCH & EDITORIAL:  Writing an Opinion

Students practice the evidence-based writing that is highly demanded in academia.  

Unit 5: RHETORIC & SHAKESPEARE: Othello & the Power of Language

Students will closely analyze Iago’s rhetoric in specific monologues and dialogues with other characters; study what Iago says and how he says it, as well as what he refrains from saying (the silence that spurs his listeners on to imagining the worst or to realizing the worst or to realizing the worst about themselves); identifying and applying rhetorical terms; discover the dangerous power of language.

Unit 6: RESEARCH & PODCASTS: Writing for Podcasts

Students learn to use journalistic field research and use multimedia to tell a story, investigate an issue, or communicate a concept. Students have the option of refining personal narrative, creating local travelogues, arguing opinion pieces, interviewing community members, conducting investigative journalism, and describing scientific discoveries. 




Course Summary:

Date Details Due