Course Syllabus

Monroe High School


Course Overview

Study Skills/Specialized Literacy/English I ESL


The Edge (varying levels), Holt Interactive Reader, supplemental materials selected by the teacher

Course Objectives


The five broad goals of this course are:

 To develop English literacy skills through speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

 To gain knowledge and understanding of various topics in English.

 To connect the learning of English with other academic disciplines.

 To develop insight into the nature of language (syntax, grammar, intonation).

 To participate actively in the school community.




  • Writing:  the basics of sentence and paragraph writing/how to organize and essay/general research and research based writing
  • Reading:  reading informational and fictional texts/critical thinking skills/vocabulary in context
  • Speaking:  group and individual projects and presentations
  • Listening:  responding to audio and visual materials







Materials required

Major Tests/Projects:       70%

Homework, Classwork, Quizzes, Participation: 30%          

The weight of the assignment is subject to change.


  • 2-3 inch binder
  • Front cover labeled with name, class, period #
  • Pens/Pencils/erasers
  • Highlighter
  • Colored pencils


*any donations of tissues or hand sanitizer are greatly appreciated




Classroom Procedures, Guidelines, and Expectations


  1. Academic Requirements
    1. The student must maintain an average of 70 or better in order to receive credit for the course.
    2. The student must have no more than 7 absences to receive credit
    3. The UCPS grading system is as follows:

A = 90-100      D = 60-69

B = 80-89        F = 59 and below

C = 70-79

  1. Quizzes will be announced and unannounced.
  2. Tests will be announced in advance. Any student present on the day of the announced test is expected to take the test. Tests missed due to absences must be made up WITHIN FIVE SCHOOL DAYS or a zero will be recorded. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what has been missed during an absence and make arrangements to make up the work.
  1. Student Guidelines
    1. Each student is expected to conduct himself in a courteous manner which shows respect for himself, his classmates, and his teacher. There is no time in the classroom for inappropriate behavior. BEHAVIOR WHICH IN ANY WAY DISRUPTS ANOTHER STUDENT’S ABILITY TO LEARN WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. The CMS guidelines for student discipline will be enforced by the teacher and the school.
  • Classroom Procedures
    1. Keep the classroom clean and organized
    2. Working on assignments for another class is not allowed. Work done for another course during this class will be taken and will NOT be returned.
    3. Be Punctual: Class begins when the bell rings!
    4. Be Prepared: You will need your textbook, notebook, writing supplies every day.
    5. Be Polite: Show respect to the teacher. Follow all classroom procedures as explained. Always use appropriate language. Show respect to your fellow students
    6. Be a Participant: Part of your grade will depend on your class participation
    7. Restroom passes will only be given in an emergency.



Consequences to inappropriate/disruptive behavior

  1. Verbal Warning /change of seat
  2. Student-teacher conference
  3. Parent contact
  4. Referral to administration


  1. Tardy Policy


All students must be in the classroom and ready for instruction when the bell rings. Students who fail to get to class before the tardy bell rings need to bring a tardy pass from the office.


  1. Parent Contact and Extra Help
    1. Tutoring is available for students after school from 3:05 – 3:30 on Tuesday ( by appointment ) or in the morning from 7:15 to 8:00
    2. I will be available for parent conferences during my planning period each day. Please see me or call the school 704-296-3130 to schedule an appointment.
    3. Students and parents may contact me at any time by e-mail


Course Summary:

Date Details Due