Course Syllabus

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Marvin Ridge High School | 2nd Semester 2019-2020  | Bruce Hartley, Marketing Teacher


This is an Honors level course that introduces students to the fashion merchandising industry. Students will develop an understanding of the fundamentals of the fashion industry, the fashion merchandising process, fashion trends and forecasting, the selling of fashion, and the promotion of a fashion image.

Assignments for this course will include projects and design work, so come to class with a creative mind.

Teacher Contact Information:

  • Bruce Hartley, Marketing Teacher
  • Room E125

Classroom Expectations:

  • Be on time, on task and prepared to learn every day. 
  • Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students and yourself. 
  • Be responsible for your own learning.
  • Clean up after yourself and your peers.
  • Cell phones should be stored during class

Late Work: 

All assignments are expected to be turned in by the assigned due date. Unless otherwise specified by Mr. Hartley, points will be deducted for every day an assignment is late. After five days, a zero will be recorded. There are no exceptions. 


  • Chromebooks:Students are expected to bring their charged Chromebooks to class. We use them almost every day!
  • Canvas: Majority of the course assignments and tests will be executed via Canvas. This will be the best place to refer back to this syllabus, retrieve any missed work, and locate any PPTs presented in class.


  • Grades will be calculated each six weeks using the total points earned for class participation (10), homework and classwork (20), quizzes (30), unit test (50), projects (60).
  • There are three six-week grading periods in the semester, and each count as 25% of the final grade. The final 25% is determined by the semester exam.
  • The following grade scale is applied: A (100-90) B (89-80) C (79-70) D (69-60) F (59-0)


  • Three ring binder with paper and at least 3 dividers
  • Piece of foam board, white – approx. 2 x 3
  • Set of colored pencils
  • Sketch pad
  • Empty bottle of Ajax dish soap
  • One fashion magazine of choice (old or new)

Class supply wish list:

  • Packs of construction paper
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Tissue paper
  • Old magazines
  • Sewing supplies
  • New or used Fabric


Should you need extra help or tutoring, I’m available most mornings from 7:00 – 7:40 and Monday and Tuesday during Smart lunch A. After school sessions can be scheduled as well.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am excited to be working with you, and I look forward to a great semester together.



Please sign below acknowledging that you understand and have read the policies and expectations for this class.


________________________________________    ____________________________________

Student Signature                            Date      Parent Signature                        Date     

Course Summary:

Date Details Due