Course Syllabus

Central Academy of Technology and Arts

Electronics I

This course is based upon the Electronic Technician Association International (ETA-i) certifications. This course covers the area of Direct Current ETA certification. Electronic practices and fundamentals, roles of electronics in communications and industry and career development will be used in this course. Topics include safety, tools, schematics, soldering, measuring electricity, Ohm's,Watt's,Kirchoff's Laws, power, and circuits. Leadership skills, science, thinking skills, and principles of technology are reinforced.




Chapter 1: Basic Electrical Theory

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Describe the causes and effects of static electricity.

Describe atomic structure, the components of the atom, their charges and importance to electronics technology.

Explain the electronic physics terminology of work and energy.

Explain the different forms of energy and their applications.

Chapter 2: Magnetism

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Explain basic electrical and magnetic properties.

Describe the properties of magnetic materials.

Explain magnetic fields and lines of force.

Explain magnetomotive force.

Chapter 3: Basic Electrical Safety

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Describe personal safety precautions for working with electrical and electronic devices.

Describe the human physiological reactions electrical shock causes.

List various degrees of current the human body can tolerate.

Explain the concept of First Aid and its particular importance to workers in electrical and electronic fields.

Explain precautions needed in the area of electrical and electronic safety.

Describe the different classes (A, B, C, & D) of fires and the type of extinguishers used to fight them.

List applicable governing fire safety regulations NEC (National Electrical Code) and NFPA 70 (National Fire Protection Association)

Chapter 4: Basic Mathematics for Electronics

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Describe the basic functions of a scientific calculator.

Explain basic algebraic math and its application in DC electronics.

Identify the scientific symbols used in DC electronics.

Explain how to convert fixed numbers to scientific notation and engineering notation.

Identify the base units of the International System of Units (SI).

Describe the SI names and symbols that apply to electronics.

Describe standard metric conversions.

Explain algebraic equations relevant to DC circuitry.

Chapter 5: Ohms Law for Electronics

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Explain the characteristics of DC resistance.

Summarize Ohms law.

Calculate current, voltage and resistance using Ohms Law.

Describe Watts Law

Calculate power in a DC circuit using Watts Law.

Define Joules and kilowatt-hour as energy units.

Chapter 6: Electronic Components

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Identify insulators and their usages.

Identify conductors and their usages.

Identify resistors and their usages.

Identify capacitors and their usages.

Identify inductors and their usages.

Identify switches and their usages.

Identify fuses and their usages.

Identify circuit breakers and their usages.

Identify batteries and their usages.

Chapter 7: Electronic Measurement Equipment

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Explain digital multimeter construction, components and usage.

Explain analog multimeter construction, components and usage.

Describe the safe voltage and current operating ranges for multimeters, probes, and test leads.

Chapter 8: Electronic Measurements

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Describe how to perform current measurements and their application to DC electronics.

Describe how to perform voltage measurements and their application to DC electronics.

Describe how to perform resistance measurements and their application to DC electronics.

Describe how to perform power measurements and their application to DC electronics.

Chapter 9: Series Circuits for Electronics

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Explain how a series circuit may be used in DC electronic equipment.

Find the total resistance in a series circuit.

Calculate an unknown current, voltage or resistance in a series circuit using Ohms law.

Describe how to apply Kirchoff’s voltage law to a series circuit.

Chapter 10: Parallel Circuits for Electronics

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Explain how a parallel circuit may be in DC electronic equipment.

Solve for the total resistance in a parallel circuit.

Describe how to apply Kirchoff’s current law to a parallel circuit.

Calculate current in a parallel circuit using the current-divider rule.

Chapter 11: Combination (Series/Parallel) Circuits for Electronics

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Describe the basic combination circuit.

Calculate current, voltage, and resistance in a combination circuit.

Describe how Thevenin’s theorem can be used to simplify a combination circuit.

Solve for an unknown value in a combination circuit using Kirchoff’s law.

Define the Wheatstone bridge circuit and its usage.

Solve for unknown voltages, currents, resistances and power dissipation in a loaded voltage divider circuit.

Chapter 12: Battery Power Supplies

Objectives covered in this chapter:

Describe battery construction.

Describe battery ratings.

Explain the application of batteries in series.

Explain the application of batteries in parallel




Six Week Grading Period

   Total points

   Class / Lab.............................    .2

   Quiz   …………………………    .7

   Unit Tests ………..................      1

   Six Week Test..........................   2 



Semester Grade

   First Grading Period............................25%

   Second Grading Period.......................25%

   Third Grading Period...........................25%





During Cougar Time



One notebook for notes and labs.



Electronics 1 textbook and ETA textbook on canvas.


Assessments and assignments:

Will consist of quizzes, tests and labs.


Makeup work:

Is due the day after the student has returned from an absence or the number of days absent if more than one day.


Online learning platform:



Course Summary:

Date Details Due