Course Syllabus



Señora Mays' Salsarrific Seventh Grade! 

In 7th grade, we will go over basic words and phrases, such as numbers, weather, body parts, and the calendar.  Then we will be able to talk about things we like to do, what we are like, school and classes, and be able to talk about things we do in school.  This is a semester course.

Classroom Supplies Needed:  For my class, you need pencils (pens are OK, except for red ink or Sharpies), paper, and a folder.  You'll also sometimes need headphones or earbuds for listening activities.  Please, no marble composition books ("cow" notebooks). Your computer (laptop) should also be brought every day to class. You can get a copy of the vocabulary list for each chapter from this Canvas site.  Click on and print the page, and you can keep it in your folder for reference when doing homework.

After the first few days of class, you will need to bring your laptop to class every day.  We will be doing lots of fun and interesting activities on Canvas, Google Apps, and various web sites to enhance our learning.


Realidades Textbook Activity Site

You can visit the above site to get the vocabulary list for the current chapter we are studying.  Just find the chapter and click on "Repaso del capítulo". It will open a new window for a PDF file of the vocabulary page for that chapter.


Click HERE to access course Modules.


Click HERE to read Announcements

Course Summary:

Date Details Due