Course Syllabus

Honors Speech and Debate Syllabus

Mr. Slattery - F 208

Spring, 2020



In Speech and Debate, students will learn how to write, organize, prepare, and deliver quality public speeches. Students will study how to actively persuade, inspire, inform, and engage an audience through the art of public speaking.  We will begin by studying the fundamentals of public communication. Next, we will learn how to speak articulately when one has time for adequate preparation. Students will also learn to think quickly and speak with little preparation. Finally, students will learn how to argue their points effectively through debate. It is my hope and expectation that students acquire the skills necessary to communicate in a public setting for years to come.


Course Requirements:

  1. Prepared Public Speeches: Students will be required to write numerous persuasive speeches, informative speeches, and after dinner speeches. Students will learn how to memorize speeches and deliver them effectively. Speeches will require research, writing, drafting, and editing.
  2. Limited Preparation Speeches: Students will learn the art of Impromptu and Extemporaneous Speaking. In these genres, students will learn to think quickly and deliver a speech with very little preparation.
  3. Formal Debate: Students will learn about current events and how to debate both sides of an issue in an organized format. Students are expected to do this respectively without letting arguments get personal.


Public Speaking Sequence (First Twelve Weeks):

Topics include: poise, body control, speech organization, topic selection, speech tone, speech types, how to introduce a speech, and speaker-audience relationships.

Major assignments: Personal Experience Speech, Impromptu Speaking, Informative Speech, Current Event Speech, Multi-Media Speech, Introductory Speech, Persuasive Speech, Group Persuasive Speech, Historical Rendition Speech.


Grading Scale:





F=59% and Below






Classroom Learning Environment:

In order to maintain a positive learning environment, classroom rules and expectations must be followed at all times.


Classroom Rules and Expectations: Slattery’s Five Steps for Success:

  1. Put away personal electronic devices
  2. Put away food and drink (exception: water with a lid)
  3. Raise your hand for questions or comments
  4. Independent Work = Silent Work; Group Work = Quiet work
  5. Be Positive and Proactive


Consequences for poor behavior:

  1. Seating chart changes
  2. Detention
  3. Parent Contacts
  4. Discipline Referral


Late Work/Absences:

It is the STUDENT’S REPONSIBILITY to come to me after missing class to discuss makeup work, which they will of course be given. Students have the number of days they missed to make up an assignment. In terms of late work, it will only be accepted up to 1 WEEK after the due date, and the assignment will lose 10 percentage points per day.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due