Course Syllabus

Mr. Byron Churchill instructor


Introduction to Construction

Welding Levels I, II, and III


My email is  Please contact me if you would like a conference or concerns about your child’s progress.


Methods and Grading


Methods: Class will be interactive.  Students will work individually and in teams.  Learning processes will be accelerated. The team-teaching-team concept will be implemented. Classes will consist of lectures and time in the lab/shop area where students will work on individual and /or in teams learning and practicing the course curriculum.


Grading: The students will be graded by how well they perform in the following areas:


  1. Classwork 15%


  1. Class participation 15%


  1. Quizzes 30%


  1. Test 40%


Students will be required to take written exams as well as performance evaluations. End of Course (EOC) exams will be given as well as pre-assessment exercises for EOC exams. Students must pass all unit assessments to receive National certification through NCCER (National Center for Construction Education and Research).  Please note that a student may pass the class without getting their NCCER certification. In order for a student to receive their NCCER certification they must pass all of their NCCER Exams with a 70 or higher.


In addition to the above guidelines, students may be given more than one opportunity to successfully complete an assignment, quiz, and tests. If a student is given more opportunities to successfully complete a graded assignment, quiz, or test, the grade for the task shall be reduced by one letter grade for each attempt. For example, if a student is given a second chance to pass a quiz or test the maximum grade the student may achieve would be a 89 regardless of the actual grade of the task.


Procedures: take care of personal business before class!!


Absolutely no: phones, i-pods, etc. This class needs to be efficient to get classroom projects completed. Safety issues are of paramount importance. Therefore, formal procedures will be implemented and students are expected to adhere to these procedures. They will cover all aspects of the daily student routine including but certainly not limited to the examples below.


Class Start: Arrive early if you have personal chores or needs such as pencil sharpening, bathroom visits, etc… and complete them before class begins.

Take your seat and talk quietly until the bell rings; at which time the student should be silent until the day’s directions have been given.


Class Notebook: This notebook should be a three ring binder with plenty of room for notes and handouts.  It should be neat and kept up to date. Notes may be taken in pencil or ink but classroom participation requires 2 sharpened pencils daily.


Homework, quizzes, tests and exams. These items will be accomplished as necessary to be sure of your mastery in the unit of study. 


Tools and materials. These will be signed in and out as needed. No tools will be used by a student until that student has passed a safety test specific to the tool with a score of 100%.


Please note this is a preliminary list and far from complete. Each new task will generate a new procedure and the student will be expected to maintain a current procedures “file” in his/her notebook. The current list will be posted in the class in a designated area and available for reference.

Personal Data Sheet


Last Name: ______________________ First: __________________________                                          




City: _______________ ZIP: __________________________________________   


Home phone #:______________________________________________________                                         


Father’s Name: _____________________________________________________  


Daytime Phone #:_______________    Cell Phone #:________________________


E-mail address:______________________________________________________


Mother’s Name: _____________________________________________________  


Daytime Phone #:_______________    Cell Phone #:________________________


E-mail address: ______________________________________________________


Student’s Name: _______________________________ ID#: ________________

Classroom Guidelines



  • Dress properly. No open-toed shoes or loose fitting clothes
  • Clothes will get dirty from time to time.
  • Take off all jewelry while operating or working with any type of equipment or project.
  • Keep work areas clean and organized, clean up after yourself.
  • Know the location of fire fighting equipment, fire extinguishers, alarms etc.
  • Know the location of first aid equipment, kept in Instructor’s office.
  • Know the location of power tool shutoffs
  • Always wear safety glasses for industrial activities in school.
  • Return all tools to their proper place.
  •  Secure permission from the instructor before using any power equipment.
  •  Do not start any operation that has not first been approved by the instructor.
  •  Use machines only when safety guards are in place.
  •  Do not walk away from a machine while it is turned on or in motion after shut off.
  •  Do not bother other students as they work, this is dangerous!
  •   Do not carry on a conversation with a person while operating power equipment.
  • Report all accidents to the instructor no matter how small or insignificant they may seem.


Student signature___________________________________________ Date_________


Parent Signature____________________________________________Date_________

To our parents or guardians:


Your child, ________________________________________, is enrolled in our

                       (Please print student’s name)

Construction Technology Education Program and will have the opportunity to use various tools and equipment. Appropriate instruction in the safe operation of these tools and equipment is given and close supervision is maintained at all times. Although every precaution is taken to prevent accidents, risks are involved due to the experience, age of the student, and the learning environment.


We are asking your cooperation in impressing upon your child the importance of being careful. This, we believe, will back up the instruction given in school.


We welcome your visit to our school and the Career and Technical Education Department to see our program. The visits can be arranged by calling 704-289-3130.


Thank you very much for your help and assistance in providing your child with the “real world” experience of technology education in a safe working environment.

  • I have read the attached communication and I understand the type of program that 

_______________________________________is enrolled in. I will encourage my 

                       (Please print student’s name)

child to participate fully in this Technology Education Program.


_____________________________________________       _____________

(Signature of parent or guardian) (Date)

Phone :_____________________( day) __________________________ (evening)


  • Please identify any health problems that may have a bearing on your child’s participation in this class(Please attach a sheet if additional information is needed)



  • I agree to observe all safety rules and procedures for safe operation and conduct and I will wear approved eye protection at all times while in the laboratory.


_______________________________________       Date: ___________________

                   (Student’s Signature)


Union County Public Schools


Monroe High School Career and Technical Education Department

Student Insurance Notification Form


Monroe High School Mr. Byron Churchill

         (School)                           (Teacher)


Construction Technology 2018/2019

     (Program)             School Year


Part II: To be completed and signed by parent / guardian. Return this form to the teacher identified above.


As parent/guardian of___________________________________, I hereby verify that he/she:


______        has school Insurance


______        is covered by a policy providing comparable coverage.


______________________________________         ____________________________

   (Policy Number) (Insurance company)


______ is not covered by insurance, but I hereby certify that I have been notified that my son/daughter is participating in an activity where accident insurance is recommended and considered prudent.


_______________________________________            _____________________

       (Parent/guardian signature) (Date)


Date completed form received and filed by teacher_________________________

Course Summary:

Date Details Due