Course Syllabus
General Information
- Description – Ms. Belk’s 6th, 7th and 8th grade math courses are targeted for students with special needs to develop their annual Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals, as well as to develop and strengthen general targeted math skills. The course will include a Continuous Classroom Improvement (CCI) approach in order to allow students to make goals and track their progress during the school year.
- Classroom Expectations – Students are expected to comply with all classroom and school rules and policies, which is located in the student agenda and on the SVMS website. Spartans follow the Positive Behavior Interventions Supports (PBIS) and well early opportunities each day to earn Spartan Drachma tickets which can be used for various rewards and school supplies.
Learning Requirements
Required Materials – Students are required to bring their pencil, agenda, interactive notebook with worksheets and homework each day. Students are encouraged to receive a chrome book and have it with them fully charged daily in class.
Tutoring Days and Hours – Ms. Belk is available for tutoring daily from 8:15 - 8:45. Please notify me at least one day prior to tutoring to allow time to give the student a required hall pass.
Grading Policy:
Students are graded on a weighted scale and are given opportunities to make up low scores. More specific information on weights of tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, and projects will be shared periodically. |
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |