Course Syllabus

Welcome to Earth and Environmental Science 

Aaron Brown

Weddington High School

Earth and Environmental Science

(704) 708-5530 ext.1946

Class Syllabus:

Welcome to my class! I have been passionate about science and learning for as long as I can remember and I look forward to exploring the world of science together with the goal of learning something new each day.  The purpose of this class is to expand your knowledge and understanding of earth and environmental science in order to prepare you for lifelong learning and an increased understanding of how science, technology, and society interact in our 21st century world. According to the NC Essential Standards our topics will include:


Days spent of topic





Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, Earthquakes


Rock Cycle, Erosion, Topography


Human Impacts on Lithosphere




Human Impacts on Hydrology




Air masses, Storms, Fronts


Human Impact on Climate


Energy Resources




Human Impact on Biosphere


The Sun and Seasons


Earth’s Motion



This schedule will leave time for reviewing some topics, preparing for NC Final Exam, etc. Remember, this is a working schedule and amount of days for each topic can change.

Grading Scale


A     90-100

B     80-89

C     70-79

D     60-69

F     below 60


You are expected to maintain a grade at or above 80%. This will be achievable if you do your best, work hard, and are willing to learn. Your grade will be based on the following:


NC Final Exam                                25%

1st, 2nd, and 3rd 6 Weeks        75%

Formal - 70% 

Informal - 30%




Tutoring will be offered during Warrior Block in  Room F109. If a student achieves less than 70% on any exam, then they are expected to come to a minimum of one tutoring session. Points may be earned back to increase the exam score following tutoring.


Student Rules and Expectations


Students are required to behave according to the Weddington High School code of conduct. Not only are they expected, but will be held accountable to this model of excellence. If for any reason the Weddington High School rules are not met, then consequences may include warnings, parental contact, detention, student/parent conference with the teacher, or disciplinary referrals. Our rules and expectations exist to promote a positive, safe, and orderly learning environment for every student and member of the Weddington High School community.


In this classroom, each student is expected to:


  • Be respectful in actions and words towards each other and the teacher.
  • Respect each other’s personal property.
  • Arrive on time and prepared to participate fully.
  • Do your best!
  • Be responsible for yourself.
  • Leave the classroom neater than you found it.
  • Be honest.
  • Think like a scientist - be curious and ask questions!

Class Procedures


Please bring a pencil, your Chromebook, and your charger to class each and every day. These are our essential learning tools!


When the bell rings you should have already done the following:


  • Picked up any handouts at the entrance to the classroom.
  • Copied down important due dates in your planner.
  • Begun working on the warm-up.


In the last 5 minutes of class:


  • Clean up your desk area and throw away all trash in the trash can.
  • Pack up your work and place your binder back in the correct location.
  • Complete the exit ticket when requested to do so.
  • Remain seated until the bell rings. DO NOT line up at the door!


I will not assign homework unless it is necessary. If I assign homework it is because I believe extra practice is needed in order to succeed in my class. It is essential that all homework is completed to the best of your ability. Homework is due at the beginning of the next class. If it is turned in after that a letter grade a day will be deducted.


Students are allowed 7 excused absences per semester. If a student has an excused absence, then he/she will be given three days to make up work for each day missed without penalty. It is each student’s responsibility to collect all missed work.


LABS conducted in the classroom are a privilege and an extremely enjoyable way to learn together. Please treat them accordingly. Labs are designed to deepen and strengthen your understanding of a topic. Most of the labs we will engage in will not involve dangerous materials, but you are still asked to follow these rules:

  • Follow all instructions and rules of the lab, including verbal instructions from the teacher.
  • Wear protective eyewear when asked to do so.
  • Dress appropriately (close-toed shoes).
  • Food and drink are prohibited during labs.
  • No horseplay (running, throwing materials, ignoring instructions, disrupting your group or other groups).




Course Summary:

Date Details Due