Course Syllabus

Welcome to Anatomy & Physiology Honors

Image result for anatomy and physiology

Zakiya Cummings

Monroe High School

Anatomy & Physiology Honors

(704) 296-3130 ext 3732

Class Syllabus:

Welcome to my class! 

Guidelines and Procedures

Student Expectations:

Students are expected to act according to the Monroe High School code of conduct. Not only are they expected, but will be held accountable to this model of excellence. In this classroom, each student is asked to behave accordingly:

  • Be respectful and courteous to each other and the teacher
  • Arrive on time and prepared with required materials
  • We are here to learn (The fun way)
  • Always try! The word can’t is not allowed here.
  • Follow all verbal or written instructions provided by the teacher

If for any reason these expectations cannot be met, actions can result in warnings, parent contact, detentions, student/parent conferences, and disciplinary referrals.

Class Instructions:

You are expected to bring with you to class each day:

  • A notebook of any kind that will hold notes (1inch recommended)
  • 1 pencil and a highlighter

When the bell rings, you should have already done the following:

  • Pick up all handouts (skeleton notes) and homework
  • Pull out classroom materials and remove any other materials from the desk
  • Copy down any important due dates in a planner (if you have one)
  • Begin working on the “Do-now”, while the teacher takes attendance

Any work is due by the end of the next school day (3:10pm). Anything after that will be considered late. 5 points will be deducted for everyday late.

Students are allowed 7 excused absences per semester. If a student has an excused absence, he/she will be given two days to make up work of each day missed without any penalties. However, it is the students’ responsibility to collect all missing work.

Grading scale

This year we will implement a new grading scale. It is the following:

  • 100-90 : A
  • 89-80 : B
  • 79-70 : C
  • 69-60 : D
  • <59 : F

Extra credit will be made available before every unit test (including mini assessments and benchmark exams). Extra credit can also be earned in after school tutoring by completing extra work or working on current work with the teacher.


Tutoring is recommended but not a requirement. If the student makes less than a 70% on any exam during the course, they are asked to come to one tutoring session with the teacher to go over anything they misunderstood on the exam. Points can be earned back to increase the score of their exam.

Tutoring will be available upon request. The teacher will always be made available to a student that needs tutoring for any reason, especially reasons made above.

Lab work:

Labs conducted in the classroom are a privilege! Please do not take them for granted! Labs are to better strengthen the students’ understanding of a topic. Though some labs may be simple and will not be using dangerous materials, the student is still asked to follow these rules:

  • Follow all instructions and rules of the lab as well as any verbal instructions of the teacher (to ensure safety of all students)
  • Wear protective eyewear at all times in the lab
  • Dress appropriately (Toes-closed shoes, long pants, etc)
  • Food and drinks are prohibited during labs
  • No horseplay (I.e. running, throwing materials, not following instructions, disrupting others, etc)

Course Summary:

Date Details Due