Course Syllabus


Rhonda Augone

(704) 296-3025


Study Skills is a course that is designed to improve a variety of academic and social skills that students need to be productive and active learners. It is my goal that by the end of the semester that all students will have a TOOLBOX of taught strategies to support them in their academic career and in everyday life.   Annual goals are worked on, as well as reading, writing, math strategies that are taught to help students to work more effectively in their classes across the curriculum. There is time built into each day for students to receive content area help.  Each student will have a composition notebook that will be kept in class.  Class assignments and handouts will be added to the notebook throughout the semester.  There will be periodic notebook checks to ensure that students are keeping up with class assignments and placing them in the notebook for future reference.

This is not a study hall classroom. It is a time for students to fill in the gap between where their current academic achievement and improve their skills in order to meet grade level expectations. 

Classwork-we will be concentrating on a variety of skills that include, but are not limited to: Organizational and Time Management, Goals Setting, Notetaking, Reading, Written Expression, Math, etc.  Students will generally follow the same schedule each day:

  1. 30-45 minute of class- mini lesson/whole group
  2. 30 minutes-Student will work independently on skills
  3. Help Desk- Student can receive help on assignments for other classes

Weekly Agenda check is part of the Study Skills class and a requirement. I do not require a specific agenda format.  Student may use whatever mode works best for them to record and keep up with their assignments in all classes (paper agenda, chrome book or phone apps. or calendars.  However, they must write something in their agenda every day for each class.  If they have no work due for a particular class  I ask that they write something to get in the habit of making entries on a regular basis.  Being pro-active is an extremely important life skill that I want my students to learn and use. Weekly agenda sheets will always be available for students.

Participation in  Study Skills class is a requirement. It is the expectation that every student enters class with the materials they need to be successful each day.  This may  take on various forms such as class discussions, individual seat work, read aloud, and group work.  My goal is to improve these skills, so that students are able go into any classroom and feel comfortable contributing to group projects and discussions.


Rubric for Each Grading Period 

Classwork/Participation -75%

Weekly Agenda Check -15%

Notebook Check at the midpoint and end of each grading period-10%


Student Signature_________________________________________

Parent Signature__________________________________________


***I look forward to working with you this semester.***

***Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.***


Course Summary:

Date Details Due