Course Syllabus

Welcome to Art 1!



Teacher- Miss Damico

Room #- 604

Teacher email-



Course Description

Art 1 is a course that encompasses various two dimensional art forms.  Students gain understanding of a variety of studio media as we explore both historical and contemporary concepts in art. Students will also learn to discuss and write about a variety of artwork.  Art 1 is meant to prepare the student for further art courses as well as develop an appreciation for the arts, problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, and tap into their creativity along with much more!

Instructional Approach

Instruction for Fine Art will take place in the studio art room. Students will have time to develop their ideas in their sketchbooks, learn a variety of techniques to help them achieve their creative goals, and then work through the creative process to complete their unit project.  Creating works from direct observation and completing practice techniques from observation will allow for each individual artist to grow and progress through the art program.

Grading Policy

Grades will be determined on academic achievement and individual performance based on North Carolina Essential Standards for Visual Arts. The grade will be determined by projects, a process journal including but not limited to, notes, sketches, brainstorming, worksheets, quizzes, artist statement, daily progress/use of class time, and other formative assessments.  There will be a final project for each unit.

Late and Missing Work

Each assignment will have a due date.  There will be allotted days to complete the assignments in class but the student may need to take the work home to work on and put in their best effort in order to meet the due date.  Making a portfolio to transfer work to and from school is highly recommended (which we can make in class.  That is what the poster board is for on the supply list).  

Missing work will be recorded in the grade book as the lowest grade, 0, until turned in.  This is so the student knows what their grade will be if the assignment is never turned in.  Do not panic, as soon as you turn it in the zero will change.  All works for a grading period MUST be completed and turned in in a timely fashion.  Only works for the current grading period will be accepted.  

Under given circumstances, a student can ask for an extension on their due date to allow for more time to be put into their artwork.  If the student is granted an extension it is known that they will have to continue to work on what is being done in class and the other assignment will be done at home or after school.  This prevents the student from getting too far behind.  Work that is to be completed in a class period is due before the student leaves.  Late work will not be accepted for those assignments.

Students with excused absences have a responsibility to make up their missed work within 2 days of their return to class.  Depending on assignment and circumstance, this could be increased.

      It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher to see what work they missed.

Grading Scale

A      90----100%

B      80----89

C      70----79%

D      60----69%

F      59% and below


Rubrics will be given for each project.  This will show the expectations and requirements for each project. 


I highly reccommend that you get an assigned locker to secure you materials needed for this class.  Get a locker in the 600 building by going to the main office for a locker request.


Art Studio Rules

  • Enjoy, respect, and use the materials that are provided for you safely and with care.
  • Respect the space, this is your classroom as well as others, leave it clean and in order.
  • Work on only your own work--respect other's hard work.
  • Use appropriate language, failure to do so will result in consequences following the school policy.
  • No food or drink in the classroom unless medically necessary.   (Water is allowed)
  • If you are unsure how to use something--ASK!!! I won’t bite, I promise!
  • Use of these materials are a privilege and breaking any of the above rules will result in full or partial loss of your privileges.

Thank you in advance for your support.  

Please feel free to contact me with your concerns by telephone (704) 764-2900 ext. 3311or by e-mail:


Course Summary:

Date Details Due