Course Syllabus

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World History, Welcome!

Teacher: Mr. Ryan Dunn

Please put this information into your phone so that you are able to contact me with any school related items when needed.





         This course is designed to study the culture, society, history and current affairs in selected Eastern and Western Hemisphere countries. Political, economic, religious, historical, and cultural themes are stressed in these areas of study and throughout the course of the semester. Students will examine in-depth, supplemental readings, maps and other materials to develop critical thinking and analytical skills. Literary and historical reading and writing are also major components of the curriculum.




         You will be assessed through tests, quizzes, projects, class work, class participation.  I will be checking periodically to make sure that student binders contain all handouts and returned assignments.  This will count as a grade as students are expected to remain organized and prepared with all work every day. All resources for class can be located on Canvas


A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D= 60-69% F= 59 and below


  • 2 Large one subject notebooks (You will be attaching all your notes from class into your notebook. So please, get the largest ones you can. I have noticed that when students have ones that can fit an entire piece of computer paper flat on one page, they have much less trimming to be done on our daily notes.)
  • notebook paper
  • colored pencils (we often do in class projects & maps)
  • Pens/pencils (enough to last the semester as I do not supply them for students)
  • highlighters (a set to color code their notes)
  • GLUE STICKS (enough to last for the semester of daily use)
  • ruler for cornell notes
  • access to Powerschool
  • Other project materials will be mentioned when needed



All work assigned must be completed in full by each student, and each student alone without any outside assistance.  Copying, or looking off another student’s paper, is considered cheating, and will result in a zero for both the student lending their completed work, and the student gaining this unfair advantage. Plagiarism on writing assignments and cheating on tests/quizzes will not be tolerated and processed according to school policy (see student handbook).                   



 Students:  If you need help, want to discuss particular assignments, or are concerned about your grades, please see me immediately so we can arrange to meet during my planning time or after school.

Parents:  I can be reached via email at:  I generally answer within 24 hours, if you do not hear a response back, please email me again as they sometimes get sent to the clutter folder.

Rule #1: Respect: Have respect for yourself, your classmates, and your teacher.


Rule #2: Be On Time: I have walked to my class from the farthest classes on campus and I know you can make it on time. I will not accept you being late, consequences will be given based on the procedure of EMT.


Rule #3: Be Prepared: Bring your binder, notebook, paper, a pen/pencil, and a highlighter every day. If you are unprepared, I will contact your parent to discuss the needs that you have.


Rule #4: Stay On Task: Complete assignments in the allotted time. Do not have off-topic conversations while doing class work. Do not interrupt classroom discussions. Recognize and respect that the person speaking has the floor.


Rule #5: Keep the Room Clean: Put garbage where it belongs- in the trash can.


Rule #6: Code of Conduct/Student Handbook:  Students will adhere to all rules outlined in the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook.  This includes, but is not limited to, the prohibition of hats and limited use of cell phones or other electronic devices.


Rule # 7: Due Dates: Complete all assignments on time. If you miss an assignment, it is your responsibility to make arrangements for make up with the teacher.  Obtaining make up work is your responsibility.  Assignments not turned in because of absence are due upon return to school, or will be considered late. Assignments are due when collected in class by the teacher.  Assignments will be accepted late with substantial point deductions based on the assignment. Most assignments that are handed in late will start at a 70%.


Rule # 8 Restrooms: Students are expected to remain in class for the entire period and use restrooms at non-instructional times. If your child has a medical need, please email me.


Dress Code: COVERED. I will send you out to administration, you will NOT be allowed in my class.



As the parent/guardian of this student, I will be proactive in checking my student’s grades weekly and discussing the class with them. If I have any questions, I will reach    out to Mr. Dunn through email to discuss or set up a meeting.

_____________________________________  _________________________   ________________________________

Parent Sign                                                                     number                                                                    email


As the student in this class, I will do the work that is asked of me. I will follow the expectations and monitor my grades. I am responsible for my success.  ________________

Course Summary:

Date Details Due