Course Syllabus

Spring 2020


Teacher: Mary C. Velásquez                                     Email:

Room number: 802                                                   Planning period: 2nd block

Tutoring: Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30 – 8:00 AM


This is a high-level honor course that expects a prior foundation of knowledge and proficiency that permits the students to work at a mid-high level broadening and deepening his or her skills.

 The course has an introduction and four thematic chapters that contain two separate vocabulary and grammar sections. Every chapter has a test that will be evaluated by six areas: Vocabulary & Grammar, Listening, Writing, Speaking, Reading, and Culture. At the end of the semester, there will be two Speaking Tests (with partner and without partner); these will be like finals, but they will be graded for term 6.



Classwork       25%                 Homework      10%                 Notebook        10%     Projects           15%                  Quizzes           18%                 Tests                22%



Treat others as you want to be treated.



  • Be prepared: Come to class on time and be prepared to learn.
  • Be respectful: Respect yourself, teacher and classmates at all times.
  • Be proactive: You are responsible for your own learning.



  • Follow instructions the first time that are given.
  • Stay in silent in your assigned seat.
  • Raise your hand for questions.
  • Do not use cellphones during instructional time (I will call the office).
  • Use the chrome books only when the teacher says; and only for Spanish class.



*  Verbal warning.

*  Private conference with the student.

*  Call/email home.

*  Office referral.


*  Composition notebook.

*  3 ring binder ½”

*  Pencils, Markers or colored pencils.

*  White index cards 3x5.



  • If a student leaves the Canvas page during a quiz or test for any reason and/or use any digital translator, it will be considered cheating; and the grade will be zero.
  • Keep your notebook in order; it is a grade.
  • TRY YOUR BEST; do not say “I do not know Spanish”, everybody is learning.
  • Study the vocabulary (use the index cards).
  • Review at least 10 minutes at home every night.



    A     90 - 100          

    B     80 – 89           

    C     70 – 79           

    D     60 – 69

    F      0 - 59



Every student receives credit for his/her effort when an assignment is turned in on time. Otherwise, the student will have a penalty of 15 points per day.




  • Come to the classroom on time.
  • Bring your material.
  • Stay in silent in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
  • Write in your notebook the date, objectives, and start to work with the warm-up.



On Fridays, students present to the whole class an important and updated fact about any Spanish speaking country (not known by students in previous levels). Students have to write their name and country in the “Cultural Friday log” no later than Thursdays. They can do it every week. The last Friday will be on May 8th.



According the UCPS Board Policy 4-1, High School students will not be required to take a teacher-made final exam in a course in the following situations:

  1. The student has an average of 90 or above the week prior to the administration of the exam and has no more than 2 unexcused absences in the class; or
  2. The student has an average of 80 or above the week prior to the administration of the exam and has no more than 1 unexcused absence in the class.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due