Course Syllabus

Earth & Environmental Science (Honors) – Course Syllabus

Parkwood High School

Room 401

Teacher -                         Mr. Trent Morgan

Contact InformationEmail: (preferred method of contact)

                                          School Number:  704-764-2900 (Ext. 3325)

Calculation of Grades:

  1. Tests – 40%
  • Tests will involve any mix of short answer, multiple choice, matching, essay, calculations, graphs, charts, or diagrams.
  1. Quizzes – 30%
  • Quizzes will be unannounced. You should be reviewing the material learned in class daily for at least 15 minutes a day.
  1. Notebook Checks/Projects – 20%
  • All class work/homework, notes, warm-ups, and current events will be kept in your notebook. You will organize your notebook by these different categories.  Notes will be taken daily.  Organization is a skill you will learn this semester and will be a part of the notebook grade. 
  1. Homework – 10%
  • You will not turn in homework every day, but at any time I can collect it and grade it. Any work turned in one day late will receive a maximum of a D letter grade.  Late work will not be accepted more than one day after the due date.

Total = 100%

Students will receive a progress report during the middle of each six weeks period and a report card after each six week period.  Three report card grades will be added to the student’s NCFE grade and averaged for his or her final grade.

Honors students will also be reading a book later in the semester titled “Spaceman” by Mike Massimino, and need a copy by 10/1/19.






Classroom Expectations:

  1. Respect each other.
  2. Respect the learning environment.
  3. Arrive on time and prepared for class. This includes having your notebook organized and any homework completed before the bell rings.
  4. Listen to the instructions given, and follow them closely, especially during a lab. We may be dealing with hazardous materials and equipment, and the safety of you and your classmates is very important. 

Classroom Procedures:

  • Each day, please enter the classroom, take your assigned seat, and begin working on the warm-up assignment, which will be written on the SMART board.
  • If you need assistance, wish to answer or ask a question, or for any other reason wish to get my attention, raise your hand and wait to be called on. Participation is required in this class.  Please actively participate.  I want to hear what you have to say, it makes class more interesting.  Please be appropriate and respectful when you do participate in class. 
  • Do not interrupt another person when they are speaking.
  • If you need to leave the classroom for any reason, you must get my permission. You must sign out at the door. 
  • Don’t ask for extra credit when you haven’t completed the original credit!
  • At the end of class, please put your chairs back, throw your trash away, replace your text book and any equipment used, and wait for me to dismiss you.


I will offer tutoring on Tuesday afternoons for at least an hour after school.  I will also be available by appointment.  I expect for students that come to tutoring be prepared to specifically indicate what they want help on.

Classroom Consequences

1st Offense:  Non-verbal reminder (“The Look”)

2nd Offense:  Verbal warning – Strike One!

3rd Offense:  Phone Call Home – Strike Two!

4th Offense:  Office Referral – Strike Three, You’re Out!

If you have out a cell phone, headphones, ear buds, are wearing sunglasses on your head or you are found reading a book during lecture or activities I will have administration take the item.

Cheating/Plagiarism will result in a zero for an assignment and parental contact.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due