Course Syllabus

Sandra Jones

Spring 2019

Room 417


Physical Science 

Physical Science teaches students through inquiry and investigation.  Students will learn many abstract concepts as well as problem-solving techniques in Physical Science.  Attendance is very important for keeping up with work in Physical Science. It is imperative that students keep up with lecture notes and assignments.  Topics to be studied include structure of atoms, structure and properties of matter, motions and forces, and conservation of mass, energy, and change.

I look forward to working with you this year as we expand your knowledge about science!

What topics will we cover, what will you learn about?

  1. Introduction, safety, scientific method, motion 12 days
  2. Forces 5 days
  • Energy 5 days………………………………(first common assessment 2.25-2.27)
  1. Heat energy 3 days
  2. Waves 9 days
  3. Electricity and magnetism 10 days…………………(2nd common assessment 4.1-4.4)
  • Matter 8 days
  • Atom/periodic table 8 days……………….(3rd common assessment 4.29-5.2)
  1. Chemical bonding 8 days
  2. Chemical reactions 6 days
  3. Solutions/Acid Bases 6 days
  • Radioactivity 2 days……………………(4th common assessment 5.28-5.31)
  • Final NCFE exam


Students are expected to have the following materials in their book bags at all times.  I cannot supply these materials for the students for class work or tests.  All materials will be needed during the first week of school.

  • Three-ring binder – 1 ½ inch would be best.  Please do not purchase a spiral notebook for this class.  Hole Punch and keep in order!
  • Notebook paper
  • Pencils/Pens
  • Scientific calculator- This does not need to be a graphing calculator; it must perform basic functions as well as square roots.  The calculator required for math will be acceptable for this class.  I have even found appropriate calculators at the dollar store!

 Class Rules:

  1. Follow all UCPS and Parkwood High school rules.  Your student handbook has all rules.
  2. Be on time.  When the tardy bell rings, students are expected to be in their seats and prepared for class.
  3. Be prepared. Students are expected to bring all required materials to class every day.
  4. Be in class.  Please take bathroom and water breaks BEFORE coming to class. 
  5. Be respectful.  Students are expected to be respectful of others during class. 
  6. Follow teacher instructions. Remain in your assigned seat and work on tasks assigned during class.


I do not assign students a textbook for this class.  We will use Glencoe Physical Science textbooks in class. 

Parents and Students: Please Read the Following Information Carefully:

           Assignments not turned in on the day they are due will result in a reduced grade.  If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, it is his/her responsibility to turn in work at the beginning of the class period on the day he/she returns.  All necessary work must be shown to receive full credit on assignments.

  • If a student misses a day of school, it is his/her responsibility to get make-up work from me.  He/She will have two days for each day absent to complete the missed assignments.  Failure to complete work or make arrangements to do so within the time permitted will result in a zero for each assignment.  Tests must be made up.  TUTORING: I am available during the week either before School or by appointment. My weekly schedule will be posted on my website and in the classroom.  I may have meetings before or after school.  For that reason, it is always best to let me know to expect you for tutoring.  If coming before or after school is a problem, then please see me privately.
  • I do not offer extra credit assignments.


  • Attendance is critical in Science.  If a student misses several days, it may be difficult to make up missed work.
  • During the first week of school, students will be given a set of classroom rules, tardy policy and grading information to be kept in their notebooks.  Please review each of these carefully with your student.
  • Please use Power School to keep up with your student’s progress in this course.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Grading Policies:

40%       Tests

20 %      Quizzes

30%       Classwork

10%       Binder/Notebook

        A test will be scheduled at the end of each unit covering the material completed in class.

Tests are challenging so taking notes and Completing all classwork and homework is vital is key for success.  Each 6 weeks grade will count 25% of the final course grade, and the final exam will count 25%.  Students must have a 60 (D) or better as their final grade at the end of the semester to pass the course. 

I am available by appointment for extra help or to discuss grades.  Please make arrangements with me at least one day in advance so I can be sure to be in my room.  I offer tutoring on Monday or Thursday after school.



Course Summary:

Date Details Due