Course Syllabus



British Literature /Composition is a study of the major literary periods, topics and themes beginning with the Anglo-Saxon period and ending with the Restorative/Eighteenth Century period. Students will focus on the major literary forms of the emerging nation, analyze the literary themes and trends, research and compose several papers, speeches, and presentations using representative forms of discourse.  Students are expected to be active readers as they analyze and interpret textual detail, establish connections among their observations, and draw logical inferences toward an interpretive conclusion. The course will also include a writing component that focuses on argumentative, informational, and explanatory writing about the literature through both discussion and essay format. A formal, documented research paper is required.



Kelly Lepsig

I am excited to have you as a student in my class! Each year I am gifted with such kind, bright, and hardworking students. I know you’ll be one of them too! My philosophy is that each student has his/her own gifts and talents, and each student wants to do his/her best to achieve success. I celebrate success and get the most enjoyment out of watching students grow and learn in my class throughout the year! We are going to learn a lot and come a long way in the course of this year.

WHS Mission Statement:  Student Centered, Future Focused

Multiple Opportunities for Success: I believe that learning is a process; therefore, I provide students the ability to master the standards through multiple tries. Students may retake quizzes an additional time for an improved, averaged grade. Students may rewrite essays for a new, higher grade. Furthermore, any classwork or homework turned in on time may be improved to show mastery and a higher grade.  My tutoring schedule for that week will be posted on my board every Monday.  If your student decides not to turn in an assignment when it is due, it is 10 points off every day that the assignment is late. 

Cell phone and Earbud policy: In this high-tech digital era, Smartphones can be a valuable learning tool. At times the use of electronics will be permitted; however, when/if one’s electronics become a distraction, he/she will lose the right to such use in the classroom. Cell phones must remain in the classroom cell phone holder during class time. If your student decides not to put their cell phone in the cellphone holder, and I see them with their phone out, I will collect their device and turn it in to administration.  There may be occasional times that earbuds will be permitted; however, only at the teacher’s discretion. Any student who violates this policy will be written up. 

Computer policy: Computers are only allowed out when I ask you to have them out.   Unless directed to do so, you are not permitted to turn in any work online, or do other tasks on your computer. 

Course Objectives: The student will demonstrate the ability to: ¾ respond to a text by employing personal experiences and critical analysis. ¾ compose a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose. ¾ comprehend l language by applying the conventions of Standard English in writing and speaking ¾ evaluate the content, organization and language use of texts.

All work is expected to be on time. If you turn in an assignment after I have asked for it, then 10 points a day will be deducted. 

Turnitin: We will be using this with many of our assignments/papers.  Please note, that if you are found cheating, or plagiarizing (an exuberant amount) you will receive a zero and WILL NOT be able to make up the assignment.

Homework:  I do not give a lot of homework, because I feel that outside of school should be your student’s time.  IF I assign homework, students will most likely have time in class to start this.  Along with this, students will be required to write a research paper.  This will all be done in class.  This paper will be about 14 grades, so if they get behind, this will be detrimental to their grade.  Please check PowerSchool regularly, and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Classroom expectations:  Follow the rules, plain and simple!!

Supplies needed: pencil, pen, spiral notebook, paper and a way to keep your English material separate from your other classes. 

IF you have any questions, please feel free to email me at


After you have read this please sign the bottom and put your contact information on this sheet as well…Looking forward to an amazing semester!! 

Student’s name:







Guardian’s name/contact information:


Course Summary:

Date Details Due