Course Syllabus


Spanish 6th Grade

Textbook:  Realidades I

 Global Eagles... Global Citizens

Señora Nelson                               Room 23   Phone: 704 290 1540


Canvas page: Nelson Spanish 

Google classroom: Code:  qotsk3d       New Canvas page"Remote teaching" code: 5uwecpx

Students need to study vocabulary words every day (20 or 30 minutes )

Hello everyone. I hope you and your family are doing good. Today starts a new chapter in public education. There is a huge learning curve that students and teachers will be navigating together. As we potencially move closer to embarking on this called "remote teaching" Some ar about to navigate unchartered waters with little, to no, preparation. We are figuring this out as they go. Please be patient.

I have reminded my students that they are not allowed to leave the Canvas page during any quiz or test for any reason. They have been informed that leaving the site during a quiz/test is considered cheating. If they leave the page at any time during the test or quiz they will receive a Zero (0) grade.

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome!

I’m looking forward to getting to know you this year, as we learn about the Spanish language and the countries where it is spoken. By the end of the six week, you will be able to have conversations about a variety of topics completely in Spanish. Additionally, you’ll learn about the geography and customs of Spanish-speaking countries.  We will be learning about:

Chapters and materials to be covered in the course:

Para empezar: We will be learning about: basic commands, greetings; goodbye; introductions; numbers, cognates words, days of the week etc.

El libro de texto

We will be using the Realidades 1 textbook. A class set will stay in the room, but you may check out a book by filling out the book sign-out sheet.


  • 1 two pocket folder
  • Paper
  • Pens and pencils
  • Dry-erase marker
  • Head phone

Expectativas  To remember our class expectations, think of the letters in FIRE:

Focus: Focus on the speaker and class activities, and keep electronics away unless given permission.

Integrity: In every situation, do the right thing. This includes being honest and treating peers and

adults with respect.

Responsibility: Arrive on time, and bring class materials and homework.

Excellence: Take pride in your work and do your best during class activities.

˜ Grading:

Interpersonal Speaking: 20%

Presentational Speaking: 15%

Presentational Writing: 15%

Interpretive Listening: 25%

Interpretive Reading: 15%

Culture Comparison: 10%

A          = 90 – 100%  

B          = 80 - 89                    

C          = 70 - 79                    

D          = 60 - 69                                

F          = 59 and below

You can earn up to four participation points each day by following our class expectations of Focus, Integrity, Responsibility, and Excellence.


Chapter: Para Empezar

(Click on the image below to access the chapter module)

I 00 PE Opener Button title.jpg   

Button Discussion Small.png 

Students helping students 



Natl Spanish Exam Logo Button.png

Practice your Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar Comprehension!


Button SpanishDict Small.png

GRAMMAR explanations and practice here!



 Universal TB Button small.png  Universal Vocab Button Small.png  Universal WB Button Small.png  World Culture Button Title Small.png


Button Duolingo Small.png


Button Sharpen Your Skills Small.png

Grammar & Vocabulary Skill Builders

Button National Geo News Small.png

 National Geographic News

Button Video Small.png 

Listen & Learn with Videos



Course Summary:

Date Details Due