Course Syllabus


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Health Science II- Honors                                                           

Shannon Steffler, RN, BSN



Dear Student and Parent/Guardian,

Welcome to Honors Health Science II!  This course is designed to help students expand their understanding of financing and trends of health care agencies, fundamentals of wellness, legal and ethical issues, concepts of teamwork, and effective communication.  Students will learn health care skills, including current CPR and first aid training.  

Class Supplies:

3 ring notebook (2 inch is ideal)

Dividers (5)

Loose leaf paper


Pencil or Pen


Markers/Colored Pencils

Students are expected to maintain a notebook containing handouts, diagrams, notes, etc.  This notebook will be subject to grading during the the semester.

Daily Lessons:

Be seated promptly and begin warm-up.

  • S: Subjective  (independent warm-up in composition book to review last lesson)
  • O: Objective  (lesson for the day)
  • A: Assessment of understanding  (Q and A)
  • P: Plan (introduction to upcoming lesson)

On occasion, we will reference portions of the TV series House MD for reinforcement of relevant course material.  


Grades are based on category weights.

  • Participation/Classwork/Homework will be 20%
  • Quizzes will be 30%
  • Tests/Projects will be 50%

The above will total 100% which will make up 75% of the final grade. Health Science II has a state-mandated final exam that will comprise the remaining 25% of the final grade.

Students are expected to:  

  • Be prompt. Arrive to class on time and sit in assigned seat.
  • Be prepared.  Bring all materials and necessary work to class.
  • Be productive.  Maximize learning time by staying on task and remaining seated.
  • Be polite.  Respect themselves, their classmates, their teacher, and classroom.
  • Be perseverant.  Do their best, ask questions, and help each other.
  • Students will follow the guidelines stated in the Parkwood High School student handbook.

Classroom Policies:

  • Our school policy states that cell phones are not to be utilized during instructional time.  Students are to adhere to this expectation, and violations will follow the consequences outlined in the student handbook.
  • During instructional time, chromebooks are not permitted unless stated by the instructor.  When assignments requiring chromebooks are given, students are expected to use them for educational purposes only.  Gaming or other activities unrelated to this class will result in losing the privilege of using the chromebook.
  • Bathrooms breaks are not permitted during the first ten minutes of class, the last ten minutes of class, or during lesson transition time.  Students will sign in and out. Per school policy, cell phones will be left with the instructor/in the classroom during bathroom breaks.
  • Make-up tests will only be given to students who are absent on test days.  It is the student’s responsibility to schedule make-up tests.
  • Late work is accepted, but will receive a ten point deduction for each day that it is past due. 


Course Summary:

Date Details Due