Course Syllabus

Art 1

Art 1 is the broad introductory study of art techniques and processes as it relates to creating works of art.  The emphasis of the class will be on 2-dimensional works based on known historical styles and methods.  The aim of the class is to progress your understanding and capabilities as it relates to producing art. Project deadlines are based on the scope of the assignment.  We will thoroughly practice historically-proven methods.  Practice will culminate in a final assessment.

Opening Projects:

  1. The still life and drawing from life
  2. Two point perspective and architectural rendering
  3. Op art and gradual value with color
  4. Creating an Abstraction
  5. Painting the Sphere achromatically
  6. Painting a still life
  7. Developing Mood and personal expression in a composition


Requred Supplies:

  • Personal Pencil sharpener
  • Personal drawing pencils (2h will work)
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
  • 1 fine point black pen
  • 1 small and 1 medium sized brushes
  • 2 16x20 canvases

Grading Policy:

Your grade will be determined on the total possible points earned per project, daily work habits, and focus. You will receive two studio grades per 6 weeks based on that focus, work habitats, cooperation, and properly maintaining your art space.

Art is a career oriented and lifelong pursuit.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due