Course Syllabus


1st Block - Child Development

Beginning Monday, March 30, your schedule for Child Development will be on Monday and Wednesday from  9am -11am. During this time we will have class meetings and answer questions about assignments.

All work will be posted by 8 am on Monday and Wednesday mornings.


Friday office hours for all classes - 9am- 11am and 12pm- 2:30pm.


4th Block - Child Development 


Beginning Monday, March 30, your schedule for Child Development will be on Tuesday and Thursday from 12pm - 2:30.

All work will be posted by 8 am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. 

Friday office hours for all classes - 9am- 11am and 12pm- 2:30pm.





Parenting and Child Development Course Syllabus

Ms. Morgon Rivers– FACS Teacher



Contact Information:

Ms. Morgon Rivers

Room 302


Course Textbook:

Parents and Their Children




My Spring Schedule:                                                    

1st block – Parenting and Child Development                                                    

2nd block – Planning          

3rd block –Interior Design II                     

4th block – Parenting and Child Development                                                               





Overview of Course:


Unit A - Parenting Perspectives

Objective 1.0 Understand the parenthood decision.

*During this lesson, we will briefly highlight family planning and sexuality. We will also touch on these issues throughout the semester. These items are all a part of our curriculum and will be presented in an appropriate and academic manner. If you have any questions or concerns about our curriculum or the presentations, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to talk with you about your concerns or questions.

Objective 2.0 Understand child care issues


Unit B - Child Development and Guidance

Objective 3.0 Understand prenatal development and the components of a healthy pregnancy and delivery 

Objective 4.0 Understand development and care of the infant from birth through 12 months

Objective 5.0 Understand development and care of the toddler         

Objective 6.0 Understand development and care of children from ages three through six




Grading each 6 weeks:

Classroom Participation – 30%

(classwork, journals, discussions)

Projects – 30%

Tests and Quizzes– 40%


Update for grading for Covid-19 - Student Options 

1) If you are passing and are satisfied with your grade at the end of the 1st 6 weeks of the semester (T-4), you may accept that grade as your final letter/number grade for the semester and it will be included in your GPA.

2) If you are passing but do not wish that grade to be included in your GPA, you may request a PC-19 which gives you (the student) credit for the course, but is not included in your GPA.

3) If you are passing but wish to improve your final grade from your current T4 grade, you may do the following:

A. You may re-do or make-up any missing T4 work

B. You may complete any/all assignments from April 20 to the end of the year. If you do this, your grade will be improved as follows:

i. Complete 60% of the work assigned from April 20 to the end of the year satisfactorily (at least 60% or greater) and I will increase your T4 grade by 5 points to calculate your final grade

ii. Complete 50% of the work assigned from April 20 to the end of the year satisfactorily (at least 60% or greater) and I will increase your grade by 3 points to calculate your final grade

iii. Complete 25% of the work from April 20 to the end of the year satisfactorily (at least 70% or greater) and I will increase your T4 grade by 1 point to calculate your final grade.

4. If you are currently failing as of T4, you have the opportunity to make up/redo any assignments from T-4 and to complete assignments posted between April 20 and the end of the year.

5. If you are failing as of T4 and do not do anything to improve your score, you will receive a WC19 which means you do not receive credit for the course, but it does not impact your GPA.

Please note: Your grade cannot be lower than the current grade as of T4. Please let me know the option you choose by email and let me know any questions you might have. You may check your T4 grade in PowerSchool if you are unsure of what you have.


Classroom Expectations:

  1. Be in your seat working when the bell rings and be prepared for the class.
  2. Follow all school rules; including ones about dress code and electronic devices.
  3. Trash should always go in the trashcan and you should leave the classroom cleaner than when you found it. Push chairs under before you leave, and keep desks in order.
  4. No sleeping: I come ready to teach, so you need to come to class ready to learn.
  5. Be respectful of yourself, classmates, and the teacher.


Bathroom Expectations:

Although you should use the restrooms between classes, I understand you may occasionally need to go during class time. In my classroom, you cannot go during the first or last 10 minutes of the class or any time there is classroom instruction going on. During individual assignments and when students are working on their own, you will be allowed to go as long as you are not abusing the privilege.


Late Work:

All projects and classwork is expected to be turned in by the assigned due date. Any work turned in late will be 10 points off per day, unless otherwise specified by Mrs. Rivers. There are no exceptions.



We will be doing several projects in this course, and there will be information sent home throughout the semester detailing the expectations for each project. The projects we will complete include a family tree, plant babies, egg babies, infant simulators, and many other smaller projects.



I will be using my school webpage referenced above to update parents and students on what is happening in our classroom. I am also very diligent in responding to e-mails, so please e-mail any questions or concerns to me and I will return within 24 hours. I am also available by phone at the school phone number.


Absences and Makeup Work:

YOU, the student, are responsible for asking me for any makeup work and notes when you are absent and for getting your pass signed. You should have all notes taken and assignments turned in within 2 days of your absence. Missed tests must be made up by the next assigned tutorial.




Please let me know if you have any questions throughout the semester. I am so excited to be working with you and look forward to a wonderful semester together!!




Course Summary:

Date Details Due