Course Syllabus


I can't wait to get started with you this year in our Study Skills course. Many of you have already noticed that I am new to the Parkwood family. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and starting this journey together. You may be reading your schedule and questioning what is a study skills course and why am I here? Good question! This is a course that has been designed for students with IEP's who require supports in academics and/or organizational supports. This course is being taught by Mrs. Parker, Inclusion E.C. Teacher and Case Manager. The expectations for students in our class is to utilize our time to meet your individual needs. This could include homework support, additional instruction/re-teaching, credit recovery, and organizational supports in order to perform at your highest level of ability within the general curriculum. 


For this course grading looks slightly different than that of a typical academic course. Students within our Study Skills course are graded on the following: teacher tracking of students' time on task, work habits, participation within the classroom, (this includes working with the teacher, peers, or individually), organization (staying organized within own materials, keeping up with assignments/course work across all settings),and  completion of a daily agenda. Each of these is worth 20% of the overall grade. You will receive a weekly grade based on these areas to be averaged together at the end of the grading period. 

Below is the grading chart that Union County Public Schools follows:

A 90%-100%
B 80%-89%
C 70%-79%
D 60%-69%
F 0%-59%

This is a course that has been designed for every student to have the potential to earn an A. Simply put, being prepared, completing assignments, staying on task throughout each class period and giving it your best effort is all it will take to earn an A. You will be the one to make the decision to have points deducted each week. 

Classroom Expectations:  

  1. Be on time and be prepared.
      • Bring all materials. This would include a daily agenda, class assignments, books, chromebooks, and any other materials necessary to complete assignments and classroom work. 
      • Show up at the start of class on time. DO NOT give me your excuses, give me results. We are working towards molding you to be a responsible adult. 
  2. Be responsible. Take ownership of your faults and be proud of your accomplishments. 
      • We all make mistakes. Mistakes are okay. Mistakes are what mold us into effective human beings who make wise life decisions. What is not okay, is to not own up to your mistakes. Take ownership of your educational experience. I am an educator, not your babysitter. 
  3. Be respectful. 
      • Respect looks different for everyone, but I live by some really simple rules that I find to define what respect looks like.
        • A) Show empathy and kindness to all you encounter, especially in our work space. Everyone is here for one reason, to learn. Just because you know something, doesn't mean everyone does. If someone asks a question you find to be unimportant, keep your thoughts and comments to yourself. 
        • B) Use school appropriate language. This course is preparing you to be a responsible adult who can effectively communicate and advocate for themselves. Cursing, slander, and vulgar language will not be tolerated in any form or facet. 
        • C) Honor classroom time and procedures. We are limited in our time together during the school day. Please be on task and prepared during group/individual learning time. This is your education, and you must be the leader and take ownership.  As your teacher, I work diligently to prepare materials and set you up for success in every opportunity possible. I am one of your biggest advocates here at school. Support me by honoring our classroom time, and completing what is asked of you.

*Additionally, students are expected to abide by school and district policies that are outlined in the handbook. Cell phones are not allowed out unless instructed otherwise. If a student has there cell phone out the following will be issued:

1st warning: Teacher requests for phone to be put up. 

2nd warning:  Phone will be taken til the end of class. 

3rd warning: Phone call home, phone turned into the main office. 

4th warning: Write up


As stated above, students will need to bring class materials with them in order to have supports in working towards completion of IEP goals as well as classroom goals. Students are expected to have books, assignments, pencils, pens, highlighters, and any other supplies necessary in order to complete work within Study Skills. Additionally we have requested that students bring a folder that will be created into a daily agenda. 

*wish list: We are open to take any donations of college ruled paper, pencils, dividers, highlighters, folders, and tissues. 


Daily communication is key to success. I will be in contact with your teachers and parents regarding your performance and needs on a regular basis. The best and fastest way to communicate with me is via e-mail. Parents are also available to call me here at the school. If needed, I am also able to make arrangements to meet with parents and/or students before or after school. 


Parkwood HS number: 704-764-2900 ext:

I am looking forward to our semester together, and seeing all that we can accomplish to best benefit you!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due