Course Syllabus

Piedmont High School

World Languages Department

Señora Nicholson ~Spanish I and III


Required Supplies:

Please bring the following with you every day!


  • Spanish 3 ring binder
  • Binder dividers
  • Folder for handouts
  • Folder for warm-up activities.  Spanish I Green folders and Spanish III Blue folders.
  • LOOSELEAF PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Pens/pencils
  • Color pencils or markers
  • Highlighters
  • Expo marker (optional)
  • USB drive (optional)


Grading Policies:

  • Homework:

You will begin each marking period with 100 points. For each assignment missed or incomplete, you will loose 5 points from this grade.  Homework will only be completed at home.  If you are working on it in class you will not receive credit. THIS GRADE CAN HAVE GREAT INFLUENCE AT THE END OF A SIX WEEKS! IT’S A TEST GRADE!!!

  • Quizzes:

You will have several quizzes each chapter.  Each quiz will be worth 20-60 points.

  • Tests:

You will have a test each chapter.  Tests will be worth 100 points and will include listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections. 


  • Projects:

Projects will be assigned throughout the semester and will have point values according to their level of difficulty. 

  • Participation:

You will receive 100 points for each grading period, 50 for the progress report and 50 for the marking period final grade. These participation grades reflect effort and frequency to speaking Spanish and following the classroom expectations throughout the semester (see the participation grade rubric- Be ACCOUNTABLE!). *USE WHAT YOU ARE LEARNING!! If you don’t use it, you lose it!!

  • Warm-up folders:

You will receive 60 points per six weeks grading period for the activities that you complete at the beginning of each class. These activities will be graded on a weekly basis (10 points per week) and will review the material from the previous day.



Students have 3 days to make up work from an absence.  This includes homework AND classwork.  If you were in class when a test or quiz was announced, you will be responsible to take the test or quiz the day that you return.  There are no exceptions.  It is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed while you are absent, and make it up.   


Late work:

It is not acceptable. This includes homework, projects, papers, etc.



There is a bathroom in the J building, making it convenient for you to go before and after Spanish class. Bathroom Sign-out sheet is located at the entrance, sign-in and out every time! -For classroom emergencies only!



Please finish EATING prior to coming into the classroom. WATER must have a CAP!! NO STYROFOAM CUPS!


Class dismissal:

I dismiss you, not the bell.  You will stay in your seats until the bell rings, and not line up at the door. 



Cheating will not be tolerated at any level-you will receive a zero for copying homework, cheating on a test, quiz, etc.  I will also notify your parents/guardians.


Arriving Late:

You will be locked out if you arrive late.  Be on time.  There will always be an assignment to begin as soon as you walk in the door, which means you should be in your seat when the bell rings.


Extra Credit:

There will be various opportunities for extra credit throughout the semester.  Take advantage of these opportunities when they are offered because they will not be offered at your convenience, they will be offered at MINE. Each six weeks, you may come up with one project on your own to receive extra credit, such as Posters, PowerPoints, Wevideos, Decorations, Smartboard games, CDs, etc.  


Final Exam:

Your final exam will be worth 25% of your final grade.  There will be 5 sections to your exam: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture/ maps.   More information and rubrics will be provided as the date approaches.








Course Summary:

Date Details Due