Course Syllabus


 World History

Course Requirements -    Mrs. Nash




Course Description:

The World History curriculum is based on the Essential Standards adopted by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.  This course addresses major chronological periods of the past that are organized as concept-based units of study.  Students will use the “PERSIA” graphic organizer to help identify and remember key ideas about past civilizations. 

“P.E.R.S.I.A.”  -  Political, economic, religious, social, intellectual/arts, and area/geography

 We will learn about many people whose contributions or actions still affect us today.  PowerPoints, primary and secondary sources, vocabulary, videos, maps, writing, current events, and projects will be part of the coursework.



Expectations:  As a student, you will be expected to take notes, to listen, to read assignments, to study, to take quizzes and tests, to participate in class, to complete all assignments, to follow directions, and to be respectful


Materials needed for class:  Computer & charger,  Notebook or folder with paper and pockets, pencils/pens, color pencils and headphones/earbuds.

TextbookWorld History:  Holt:  Human Legacy








Grading:.  Projects and unit tests count as test grades.  Classwork, homework, quizzes, and participation grades count as daily grades.


Six weeks grade =  55 % test average, 45 % daily average  (Average all test grades together and multiply by 55%, average all daily grades and multiply by 45%.  Add these two numbers together.)


Test Grades Tests are worth 100 points and are given following each unit of study.  These are announced in advance and the dates will be on your syllabus.  Throughout the semester, you may be assigned various projects which will also count as test grades.


Quiz GradesQuizzes will be given on vocabulary words in each unit.  Quizzes may also be given from class notes or reading assignments.


NCFE – Students will take the North Carolina Final Exam at the end of the course which counts as

25% of the final average.





Extra CreditStudents may do one outside extra credit assignment per six weeks.  Extra credit will either replace your lowest daily grade except for a zero, or it will be averaged in with your lowest test grade.  Extra credit must be turned in by the end of the six weeks.


Option 1:  Research report -  Type a two page (double-spaced) paper on an individual or a topic that we have discussed in class.  You must write the paper in your own words.  You must also include a bibliography of at least two sources.  ABC-Clio is a database available on the PHS homepage that contains good information.  The username and password are ucpsstudent.


Option 2:  Illustrated timeline -  Create an original timeline containing at least 20 events relating to the time period that we are currently studying.  You must also find or draw a picture to go along with every event on your timeline. (20 events = 20 pictures).  Timeline must be done on paper, not on the computer!



Late Work:  The ONLY time late work is accepted for full credit is if you missed class due to an excused absence.   When you return from an absence, check your folder in the crate for any missed work.  Also it is your responsibility to ask about any make-up work, and to make up any missed quizzes or tests.  Read your syllabus carefully to be prepared for your assignments when you return.   Any late work turned in (other than due to an absence) will be deducted 20 points for each day that it is late.


Classroom Rules

  1. RESPECT - Show respect to others at all times!
  2. Be Responsible - Come with prepared materials for class and do all assignments.
  3. Sit in your Assigned Seat every day.
  4. Be on Time. The lock-out policy will apply for tardies.
  5. Electronics should not be used without the teacher’s permission. Computers should be used for

       instructional purposes only.

  1. No food or drinks in the classroom. (Bottled water is acceptable.)
  2. Restroom breaks should take place between classes – not during class time.

       If you must go to the restroom during class time, you need to ask the teacher for permission and

       you must sign out and sign back in when you return.  Failure to sign out or in properly will result in   

       the loss of this privilege. 



Consequences for not following classroom rules:

Warning, Student/Teacher Conference, Parent Contact, Loss of computer use, In School Suspension with Office Referral



If a student takes the ideas or works of another as his/her own or uses material without crediting the source, he/she is guilty of cheating and will receive a zero for the assignment.  This applies to tests, quizzes, projects, classwork, and homeworkAt no time should any student copy assignments or homework of another student, nor should a student allow his/her work to be copied.  Do not work together on assignments without permission.  DO NOT SHARE WORK ON YOUR COMPUTER WITHOUT MRS. NASH’s PERMISSION!




Course Summary:

Date Details Due