Course Syllabus

Earth & Environment Science Syllabus

Contact Info:


 Required Materials

Composition Notebook, Spiral Notebook (notes), Pen/Pencil



This course is meant to help students understand the world they live in. It focuses on the natural systems of Earth present in the atmosphere, water, surface, and deep within its core and the processes that govern them. Additionally, human effects on the environment are discussed. Finally, it examines Earth as an object in space and its neighbors. After completion of this course, you will have a much greater understanding of the world around you. 



  1. Introduction to Scientific Method
  2. Meteorology and Climate
  3. Hydrology
  4. Geology
  5. Environment and Ecology
  6. Astronomy



Daily Work (CW, HW, Notes): 10%

Quizzes (Movies/Clips): 20%

Labs/Projects/Notebooks: 30%

Tests (6 tests, 3 benchmarks): 40%

NC FINAl EXAM: 25% of Final Grade

A= 90-100%

B= 80-89%

C= 70-79%

D= 60-69%

F= 50-59%


Procedures For Start of Class

  • Be in class before the bell rings
  • Sit in your assigned seat
  • Sit quietly and complete warm-up assigned by Mr. Kendall
  • When finished with warm-up remain seated and quiet unless given permission by me


Procedure for Notes/Lecture


  • Keep ALL electronic devices out of sight and away from learning area
  • Listen and be active in the discussion/activity
  • Have only your notebook and pen/pencil on your desk
  • Remain seated unless given permission


Procedure for Group Work/Labs


  • Read/Follow Directions Carefully
  • Everyone should be engaged and participating
  • Only touch lab materials when given permission from Mr. Kendall
  • Communicate with each other

Procedure for Individual Work


  • Read/Follow directions
  • Work quietly in your seat
  • Raise your hand if you have any questions


Procedure for Quizzes and Tests


  • Come prepared with PENCIL and LAPTOP and CHARGER
  • There should be ZERO noise/talking until every test/quiz is turned in
  • When you are finished raise your hand so I can come collect yours


Procedure for Video Clips


  • Quietly watch whatever is being played/presented
  • Complete work that is associated with video, it is a QUIZ grade


Procedure for End of Class


  • Keep working until I find a good stopping point
  • If you are finished with all of the assignments for the day, find more work to do
  • Remember: there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done
  • Do not pack up early or line up at the door
  • Leave your desk better than you found it


Consequences for Rule Breaking


1st offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: Meeting with me

3rd Offense: Parent Contact

4th Offense: Office Referral


Late Work

  • I accept late work, however there will be point reduction for each day it is late
  • Every day that the assignment is turned in late I will reduce 10 points up until 1 week after


Make-up Work

  • If you are absent the previous day of class, locate the “Make-up Work” folder/bin
  • If you have missed multiple days of class come see me to get your assignments

I Have Read, understand, and agree to abide by the rules  and policies stated in this syllabus. I agree to make my best attempt at assignments.  I understand this is a semester course with a NC final exam.


Student Signature: ___________________________________________                    

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________

Course Summary:

Date Details Due