Course Syllabus
Welcome to English IV!
My name is Jen Hoover, and I will be your child’s English IV teacher this semester. In order for this semester to be a successful one, there are several goals and guidelines I would like to share with you and your child about my class. I believe that if we all work together, your child’s success is certain.
The purpose of this class is to enhance reading, writing, and speaking skills that are needed for success in nearly all high schools courses and post-secondary endeavors. The focus in this class will be on: vocabulary development, literature exploration, reflection and analysis to print and non-print text. Additionally, the purpose of this class is to prepare for the NCFE.
The classroom rules are designed to make sure that no student’s behavior interferes with the learning of others.
- Arrive on time with your own pen/pencil, paper, notebook, computers, chargers and any books required for the class.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Use appropriate language at all times/
- Follow directions the first time.
- Stay on task during all work times.
- No food or drink (other than water) will be permitted in the room. (Exception: students with: medical conditions that require food and drink to be present.)
The consequences for any rule violation are verbal and/or written warning, after-school detention, parent contact, and office referral. Good behavior is expected and will be rewarded with written and/or verbal praise.
Students will read read the following texts which contain adult situations and language: Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales, Hamlet, Macbeth and excerpts from the King Arthur Tales. We will also be watching videos that correspond to these titles. In addition, we will be reading articles from various websites and magazines (such as NY Times, Newsweek, Time, Reader’s Digest, and Kelly Gallagher’s Article of the Week, etc.) Students will also be selecting their own novels for in-class sustained silent reading and book projects.
The purpose of using these particular texts in the above-named class is based on the following Common Core State Standards:
R1-R10- These standards deal with reading skills such as themes, inferences, events and ideas as related to individuals, text structure, author’s purpose, point of view, diverse media, arguments/evidence, comparison of texts and authors, and making sure students are reading complex text on their grade level and two grade levels above.
Additionally, the following is a rationale for these pieces of text in the classroom.
All of the texts we will be studying this semester will deal with Human Rights, Identity, and Conflict Resolution through Rhetoric (or speech). These texts are classic pieces of literature and some of them are in our textbooks, while others are novel assignments that focus on our themes this semester and help teach the skills needed to prepare students for graduation.
Please know that alternate titles and assignments of equal complexity and value are available.
Therefore, if you will, please check the appropriate box below concerning whether or not your child has your consent to read this text, and then sign your name.
Please contact me via email at whenever you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |