Course Syllabus


Mrs. Nicole Crowley             704-292-7662



“Art 1 is designed to reinforce and build on knowledge and skills developed at the elementary and middle school levels.  It is the foundation level for art study throughout high school.  The course is primarily devoted to deliberate and systematic presentations of various art processes, procedures, theories and historical developments.  Students will have experiences in producing two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork.  The course emphasizes the study of the elements of art and principles of design, color theory, vocabulary, art criticism, art history and safety in the art room.  The approach to art experiences during this time is experimental in terms of materials.  Students are provided a strong foundation in design, drawing and vocabulary in a teacher-structured environment.  Problem solving and decision making are emphasized throughout Art 1.”



Elements of Art & Principles of Design:  Basic background knowledge of the building blocks which are used to create successful art compositions.  

(Color, Value, Line, Texture, Shape, Form & Space)

Art Careers: Professions related to the visual arts

Art History: An overview of famous artists and the importance of their works throughout history. 

Art Criticism: Describing, Analyzing, Interpreting and Evaluating art works.

Drawing: A variety of subject matter will be drawn using pencil, colored pencil, charcoal, chalk pastels, oil pastels, ink and marker.

Painting: A variety of subject matter will be painted using watercolor, tempera and acrylic paints.

Sculpture: Papier-mâché, Ceramics

Mixed-Media: Collage techniques using an array of materials.



A-90-100%   B- 80-89%    C- 70-79%    D- 60-69%    F-Below 60%




(60%)- Projects- Presentation and Reflection

These are in-class assignments that require a lot of time, concentration and creativity.  Each project may last 1-2 weeks and are a large part of the Visual Arts 1 class.   The completed projects will be displayed in the classroom, media center and around the school.  

Prior to and following the completion of each project, students will critique, reflect and assess their own and other student's artwork.  


 (40%)- Artistic Thinking Process- Inspiration, Creation (in sketchbooks)

  • Daily warmups
  • Project sketches/Notes
  • Tests/Quiz Review
  • Project Research
  • Quizzes
  • Class Participation

I will do sketchbook checks regularly.  It is vital that you keep your sketchbook orderly and here in the classroom. 

*Sketchbook assignments will be given periodically as homework.


Grades are accessible to parents via the Parent Portal online



9x12 Spiral bound Sketchbook

3-5 Small Paintbrushes  (these will be used by your student only for the entire semester)

1 sheet of white poster board

2-3 pencils with a good eraser  (separate white erasers are fine too)

3rd block- box of tissues

4th block- roll of paper towels

**All of these items will be stored in your cubby that is located in the art room**



Mondays 3:00-4:00 and Thursdays 3:00-4:00



Students will have 1 week after projects are due to complete/turn in any incomplete projects.  Each student will need to come during Mrs. Crowley’s posted after school hours or take projects home.  They will not be able to use regular class time to work on incomplete work. 


Once the 1 week time frame has passed, students can turn in projects for an incomplete grade.  Any projects not turned in after a week will be given a 0%.



A-  Attentive

R- Responsible/Respectful

T- Time-Management


More specifically…

  • Be to class on time every day.
  • Come prepared and ready to work. Take care of everything prior to class starting (sharpening pencil, going to restroom, making phone calls, etc.)
  • Listen to instructions the first time they are given.
  • Stop, look and listen closely when I am speaking.
  • Raise your hand to speak.
  • Be patient when I am helping others. I will get around to assist everyone.
  • Stay seated unless you are getting materials or washing your hands.
  • Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
  • Do not use vulgar or offensive language.
  • Do not use vulgar or offensive imagery in your artwork.
  • Clean up after yourself each day.
  • Respect art materials and classroom. Please don’t misuse supplies.



Disciplinary action will be taken if you refuse to follow the above rules and procedures.

1ST Offense:  Teacher warning

2nd Offense: Call home and office referral

*Students who are creating a distraction in class will be immediately removed from the classroom. 




Phone: 704-292-7662

Course Summary:

Date Details Due