Course Syllabus
Mr. Philip Apple, Piedmont High School
Phone: 704-753-2810
Course Overview:
Physical Science is divided into two different disciplines. A brief description, and order is listed below:
- Chemistry- a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and of the transformations that they undergo. Students will analyze the structure and properties of matter and the regularities of chemistry.
- Physics- the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force. Students will analyze force, motion, energy and its conservation, electricity and magnetism.
Course Objectives Students will
- Understand motion in terms of speed, velocity, acceleration and momentum.
- Understand the relationship between forces and motion.
- Understand types, properties, and structure of matter.
- Understand chemical bonding and chemical interactions.
- Understand the role of the nucleus in radiation and radioactivity.
- Understand the types of energy, conservation of energy and energy transfer.
- Understand the nature of waves.
- Understand electricity and magnetism and their relationship.
Honor Code:
I expect students to be honest and that they conduct themselves with integrity and self-confidence in the classroom. Cheating, plagiarism, forgery, and any other displays of dishonesty will not be tolerated. I will uphold this policy for all classroom assignments and interactions. Any violation of this policy will be an automatic forfeit of that assignment’s grade.
Materials & Supplies Needed:
- 1 or 2 inch 3-ring binder
- Dividers (10-12)
- 1 subject spiral notebook
- Colored pencils
- Scientific Calculator
- Pencils, pens, highlighters --- **will specifically need a yellow & a colored highlighter
- 1 tape roll
I grade on a POINTS system. Each assignment will be graded out of a set amount of points and that amount will vary for each assignment. A student’s grade on any assignment is the points earned divided by the total possible points, multiplied by 100%. The same is true for each six weeks grade. The final exam (NCFE) will be worth 25% of their final grade. Be on the lookout for extra credit opportunities each six weeks.
Students are required to maintain a neat and well organized notebook of all class materials, notes, and handouts. To help students organize their notebooks, I have divided the course curriculum into 11 major units and these units will serve as the divider tab labels in their notebook:
Course Topics/ Units
Unit 1 – Introduction to Chemistry and Atomic Basics
Unit 2 – Nuclear Chemistry
Unit 3 – Periodic Table and Bonding
Unit 4 – Chemical Reactions
Unit 5 – Solutions, Acids, and Bases
Unit 6 – Motion
Unit 7 – Forces
Unit 8 - Work, Power, Simple Machines
Unit 9 - Energy
Unit 10- Waves
Unit 11- Electricity and Magnetism
*Tutoring is available upon request as needed. I am generally at school by 7:30 am and will tutor until the bell rings for first period.
What to do if you are absent: MAKE UP WORK!
Students will be given 3 days to complete missed work due to absences. (Extended absences will be managed on a case by case basis.) Most notes and assignments will be uploaded into the class Canvas page that will be shared with all students. When a student is out, they need to see me personally to receive assignments and then use the Canvas page to complete them.
If a student misses a test, they must make the test up within 5 school days either before or after school. If a student fails to meet this deadline, they will be given a zero.
Homework is given 3-4 times per unit and should not require more than 15-20 minutes.
Classroom Rules & Consequences:
- Be on time! If you are late, you will be sent to get a tardy slip.
- Be prepared for class everyday with your notebook, something to write with, and your work!
- Show respect for yourself, others, and my room.
- Remain seated until I dismiss you. The bell does NOT dismiss you.
- Do your best and achieve!
1st offense: verbal warning and redirection~~~
2nd offense: Parent contact
***Students will be referred to administration and/or ISS for repeated and chronic breaking of these rules or school rules.
There is to be no CELL PHONE in class. Parents I ask that if you need to contact your child during my class period that you call the school, and I will give them the message or they may be asked to step out and call you. I will not use my own personal cell phone either.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |