Course Syllabus


Porter Ridge High School

Rigor, relevance, and Relationships




French I




Madame Myers



2nd  10:05-11:30 (F102)

3rd  11:35-1:25 (F108)  Lunch B                           

4th   1:30-2:55 (F101)



















Email Address:



Tues/Thurs 3:00-4:00pm or by appt



Course Description:  French I is an introduction to the study of a second language through the four communication skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  Culture, geography, and grammar are integrated into the course. 

Competencies/Learning Objectives:

  1. Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication.
  2. Understand words and concepts presented in the language.
  3. Use the language to present information to an audience.
  4. Compare your culture and the target culture.


10 Good Reasons to Study French


Learning a new language will give you the chance to…

  •  live through your toddlerhood again: learning how to speak from scratch all over!
  •  gain a deeper and genuine empathy for people who are learning English here.
  •  achieve a far greater awareness of how your native language is structured
  •  become a much more global citizen, aware that the U.S. is not the center of the universe.
  •  discover some really funny expressions, as well as start becoming familiar with the immense richness         of literature, film, art, and music in the French-speaking world.
  •  begin questioning the cultural norms you're accustomed to.
  •  find through trial and error, plus revision that you're making impressive progress towards       becoming a  fluent and skilled French speaker.
  •  prepare yourself to live, work, and thrive in the global economy

Vouloir c’est pouvoir!

Required Text:

Allez, viens! Level 1 Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2006

(if hard copy text is needed, this may be signed out for the semester)


Technology Needed:

Chromebook, USB flash drive, ear buds, CANVAS (see my page online for all info) 


Required Materials:          2” Binder and 3-hole lined paper (not spiral-bound), pencils,pens, paper

                                             Note cards to make flash cards are optional but encouraged

EmpowerED Family Portal:

Instructional Materials and References:

In-class textbook, online textbook, and handouts (also on Canvas) will be used during the semester in the class.

Teaching Strategies:

Interactive classroom with lecture, repeating, reading, writing, speaking, role play, pair and group activities, music (singing and listening), videos, artwork, and games in French.  

Methods of Assessment:   

- Homework and Class assignments are relevant to daily work. Grading guidelines will be given when the task is assigned. Class assignments may need to be completed outside of class and could involve speaking, reading, and writing as well as possible pair and group activities. You are expected to study every day even if there is no homework assignment.

 - Quizzes will be used to measure content from each chapter as we learn it. Most likely, there will

      be 2-3 quizzes per chapter.

 - Tests will be more comprehensive and cover entire units of study with one at the end of each


-Projects may also be assigned. Rubrics will be given in advance of due date.


Final course grade is determined as follows:

Homework:                               20 points each         

In-class Assignments:              30 points each         

Quizzes:                                    50 points each                   

Tests (and Projects):             100 points each


Grading Scale used for alphanumeric equivalents:

A          =        90-100%

B          =          80-89%

C         =          70-79%

D         =          60-69%

F          =            0-59%                          

 Level Progression Requirements:               

In order to progress to the next level in a World Language course, certain criteria must be met:

To move from Level I to Level II, a student must pass with a “D” in the course.  However, although this is the bare minimum requirement, a student exiting Level I with a D will find Level II quite difficult and most probably find it hard to be successful in the course.  The student in this situation should discuss available options with his/her teacher.

To move from Level II to Level III or Level III to Level IV, a student must have a recommendation from his/her World Language teacher, attesting to the student’s ability to be successful at the upper level. The guidance department will be notified of whether or not the recommendation has been given.

Reminder:  World Language study is not required to graduate from high school or to apply to a 2-year college.  It IS a requirement for application to some 4-year colleges (check the specific school you wish to attend to find out what the exact requirements are).

 Make-Up/Late Homework Policy:

    - If you are absent the day homework is due, you must turn in previously assigned homework/project the first day you return to class to receive credit. You will need to consult a fellow student for any information  you missed and arrange to meet with Mme Myers during tutoring hours for any extra help.

   - For  quizzes/tests/assignments missed while absent, you will be allowed within 3 days from your return to school to make up or turn in the quiz/test/assignment. No exceptions/extensions will be made, resulting in a “0” grade if the work is not submitted/made up according to the policy.

   -Make-up for quizzes/tests will be administered during tutoring hours only (exception can be made for teacher’s planning period if possible with prior approval). 

-   Extra Credit:

     There may be surprise extra credit assignments throughout the semester (it will not be announced in advance) and must be completed either during class time or outside the class depending on the extra credit opportunity. Extra credit will never be used in lieu of any regular class work and cannot be turned in late or made up due to absence.  No exceptions.

Class Expectations/Procedures:

My expectations and procedures for you in this class are very simple:


Be prompt: Be in your seat when the bell rings and begin warm up as soon as you come in.

Be prepared: Bring your materials and be ready to work! Listen for instructions and follow them.

Be polite: Speak considerately. I expect respect at all times for all members of the faculty and fellow students.

Be engaged: Make your best effort and display a positive attitude that will enhance the learning for everyone in the classroom!

              Accept ownership of your choices- you decide to do or not do your homework/ projects,

participate in class, etc. – thus, you earn the grade you receive based on your input.

If you don’t meet class expectations/follow procedures, you will:

 -First Offense:        Meet with Mme Myers after school to discuss ways to make you successful.

-Second Offense:   Mme Myers will contact your parent/guardian for a conference.

-Third Offense:       You will be referred to the appropriate Assistant Principal for disciplinary action.            

 **If you cause any type of major disturbance in the class that prevents others from learning, you will be removed immediately and sent to ISS for disciplinary action.**

 Academic Dishonesty:

This includes both plagiarism and cheating. This is the act of copying someone else’s exact words and using them as your own, or using someone’s published illustrations or ideas without giving credit. 

In addition, using an online translator is considered cheating in this course. The penalty for plagiarism/cheating is an automatic failing grade on the assignment, call to your parents, and reporting to the Principal. Repeat offenders will be sent to school administration for determination of further consequences.

Topical Outline of the Course

Week                     Lesson Content


1-2                              Chapitre Préliminaire

                                    -Introduction to Francophone World

                                    -Basics:  alphabet, numbers, accents, key phrases

                                    -Famous French people                                   


2-4                              Chapitre 1 – Faisons Connaissance!

                                    -Learn how to greet people and ask how they are

                                    -Learn how to ask someone’s name and give yours

                                    -Learn to express likes and dislikes


4-6                              Chapitre 2 – Vive l’école!

                                    -Learn about school in a French-speaking country

                                    -Learn how to agree and disagree

                                    -Learn how to ask for and give information

                                    -Learn how to talk about your school schedule

                                    -Learn how to express and ask for opinions                                                                                                                                                     

6-9                              Chapitre 3 – Tout pour la rentrée

                                    -Learn how to make and respond to requests

                                    -Learn to ask others what they need and to tell what you need

                                    -Learn to express what you like and don’t like to do

                                    -Learn how to get someone’s attention, ask for information, and thank


9-12                            Chapitre 4 – Sports et passe-temps

                                    -Learn to say how much you like or dislike something

                                    -Learn how to exchange information

                                    -Learn how to make, accept, and turn down suggestions

                                    -Learn about the weather and calendar


12-15                          Chapitre 5 – On va au café?

                                    -Learn how to make a recommendation, an excuse

                                    -Learn how to order food and beverages

                                    -Learn how to express likes and dislikes

                                    -Learn about French food and cultural differences


15-17                          Chapitre 6 – Amusons-nous!

                                    -Learn how to make plans

                                    -Learn how to extend and respond to invitations

                                    -Learn how to arrange a meeting

                                    -Learn about French teenage activities                                                    


17-19                          Chapitre 7 – La famille                                   

                                    -Learn how to identify and introduce people

                                    -Learn to describe and characterize people


20                                Final Exam


            Note:  The above outline is intended only as a guide for the semester’s curriculum and

  may be revised at the teacher’s discretion.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due