Course Syllabus


American Sign Language 2

Vanghi Hardin, MA/Ed.S, ASLTA-Certified


Course Description:

This course continues the teaching of ASL 1.  Additional vocabulary, grammar and culture is covered to build on the core knowledge of the language. Both expressive and receptive skills of students will be the focus of the course, with an equal emphasis. Students will participate extensively in interactive classroom activities following the ‘voice off’ policy to ensure ASL immersion.

Textbook:  Zinza, Jason E, Xiaohong Fang, and James Sbarra. Master Asl!: Fingerspelling, Numbers, & Glossing. Burtonsville, Md: Sign Media, Inc, 2006. Print.


Materials Needed:

3-ring binder (1.5 inch)

Notebook paper & dividers as student prefers

Textbook and Student Companion


Grading System:

A 90 – 100
B 80 – 89
C 70 – 79
D 60 – 69
F 0 – 59


*Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Engage in one on one and group conversation and exchange information and opinions on various topics
  • Comprehend signed information on various topics in ASL
  • Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience on a variety of topics
  • Gain knowledge and demonstrate understanding of the relationship among practices, products, and perspectives of cultures other than his own
  • Develop insight into the nature of language and culture by comparing his own language/culture to others
  • Acquire, reinforce, and further his knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language
  • Use ASL and demonstrate culture knowledge and understanding within and beyond the school setting for personal, educational, and professional growth and enrichment

*These student learning outcomes are in compliance with the State of NC Dept of Public Instruction Standards for American Sign Language Level 1—approved June 2007



Classroom Expectations:

Students should behave according to what is outlined in the UCPS and PHS codes of conduct and policies.  Please treat everyone with kindness and respect.


Cell Phones & Devices:

Cell phones are not allowed during class.  ASL is a visual language if you are preoccupied with your phone or other devices (including Chromebook), you will miss information.



Active participation is expected.  Students who do not practice the material and participate in partner/small group work will not develop good expressive and receptive skills. 


My Perspective:  I’m both honored and humbled to work with you, and I appreciate the unique personality of each student I serve.  My expectations are high.  My standards are high.  I believe that if students truly work hard and give their best effort each day they will grow academically and socially.  

Parents, contact me as needed.  My email address is and the school number is 704-753-2810. 

With thanks and kind regards,

-Vanghi Hardin, MA/Ed.S, ASLTA-Certified


Please sign below indicating that you (student and parent) have read and understand my expectations, cell phone/device usage policy, and participation requirement.  The signed portion of the letter will be counted as a grade; both signatures are required for full credit. Please return by Friday, August 30, 2019


Signing below indicates that you (student and parent) have read and understand my expectations, cell phone/device usage policy, and participation requirement.  The signed portion of the letter will be counted as a grade; both signatures are required for full credit.  Please return by Friday, August 30, 2019


____________________________________                 _______________________________________

Student Signature / Date                                                                    Parent Signature / Date


Parent Contact Information (please print clearly)

Parent(s) Name:___________________________________________________________

Parent Phone (please indicate if home or cell):__________________________________

Parent Email: _____________________________________________________________

Course Summary:

Date Details Due