Course Syllabus

Honors American History II

Fall 2019

Ms. Richey- Room E224


During this semester, we will cover American History topics from the end of Reconstruction and through present times. Together we will follow the changes in the composition of American Society, movements towards equal rights for women and racial minorities, and the growing and changing role the United States has throughout history as a world power.  Further, we will focus on the role of the federal government and courts expanding and the continuously mounting tension that exists between the individual and the state, and analyze trends that exist within all of these topics. Students will learn to identify and understand patterns of interaction, cause-and-effect relationships throughout historical events, and understand the impact the United States has on the world. In order to fulfill these goals, students will be required to act and think like historians through research based projects, discussions, activities, writing, presentations and other various assignments. 



Required Materials:

  • Spiral notebook- only for American II
  • Loose leaf paper
  • Binder or folder designated for American II
  • Blue and Black pens
  • #2 Pencils
  • Highlighters

Student Expectations/Late Policy


All students are expected to be on time with all required materials for class, plus any other assigned homework or necessary materials for the day. There will be days when students are expected to use their Chrome Books in class. Chrome Books are expected to be charged and ready to use on these days. 


Students are expected to complete all assignments on time, late work will not be accepted. Each student will get one “stuff happens” pass for the entire semester. This pass can be used to turn in an assignment ONE day late with no penalty. After the pass has been used the student will receive a zero on any assignment that was not turned in at the beginning of class, on the assigned day. If a student is absent on the day an assignment is due, it will be due upon their return if the absence was excused. If the absence is unexcused, the late work policy may apply. Any student that misses work when absent is responsibility to connect with me to the next day they are in class to receive the assignment. Students may also contact me prior to or during their absence by e-mail to get the work they are missing.


Bell work may be given at the start of each class. If a student is excused, they may simply write “absent” on their bell work for that day. If a student has an unexcused absence, or is tardy, they are responsible for finding the bell work for that day and completing it before it is due.


Tutoring Hours/Help

Students with questions, concerns, or that need to contact me for any other reason are encouraged to do so by email. During the work week, I am typically quick with e-mail responses. However, if I do not respond in two business days, please kindly send a reminder e-mail or resend the first email.


American II tutoring will occur on during SMART Lunch on Monday during A Lunch and Fridays during B Lunch. American II Tutoring will not always be held by myself, students will need to reference the SMART Lunch schedule to see who/where American II Tutoring will be held.



Cell phones, tablets, etc. are not permitted in class unless otherwise specified for a specific activity. I reserve the right to confiscate any phone that I see out during class, in accordance with school policy. Students are require to put their phones up in the phone holder at the beginning of each class.


Chrome books will be used occasionally in class- however, students are not allowed to use computers or any other electronic device to take notes in class. Students should come with Chrome books charged every day so they are ready to use when directed for various group activities, writing activities and other projects.


Grading will be based on a percentage. Test- 40% Assignments- 25% Projects- 35% Students will be doing individual and group projects, participating in class discussions, debating, writing, and doing other various class and homework activities that make up these points for grading. Students may occasionally require excess materials such as poster board, paper, etc. for projects. 

90-100: A, 80-89: B, 70-79: C, 60-69: D, Below 60: F


While some class materials will be posted on Canvas, the majority of assignment due dates will be announced in class and posted on the designated area of the board in advanced.










Review and Sign:

Parents and Students: Once you have read over this syllabus, please sign below and return. 

I am looking forward to a great semester with all of you!



Student Print                                                   Student Sign


                                                                                                                                                            Parent Print                                                Parent Sign                 


Parent e-mail or phone (whichever is preferred method of contact):                                                                                                                                                                                                            


**Anything I should know about your child? Please disclose below.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due