Course Syllabus

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Health Science I - Honors

Katherine Lowman 

CTE Health Science Teacher

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian:


Welcome to Honors Health Science I! 


Course Description:

This course focuses on human anatomy, physiology and human body diseases and disorders, and biomedical therapies.  Students will learn about health care careers within the context of human body systems. Projects, teamwork, and demonstrations serve as instructional strategies that reinforce the curriculum content.  English language arts and science are reinforced in this course. Work- based learning strategies appropriate for this course include service learning, and job shadowing. Apprenticeship and cooperative education are not available for this course.  Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences. Biology is recommended as good preparation for this course.


Below, you will find the necessary supplies for this class, the typical daily lesson plan, the grading system that will be utilized and the Classroom Management Plan.  



3 ring notebook (1.5 inch is ideal)

Dividers (10)



Glue Stick

Chromebook + Charger

Pencil or Pen 


Markers/Colored Pencils 


Students are expected to maintain a notebook containing handouts, diagrams, notes, etc.  This notebook will be subject to grading during the semester. 



Be seated promptly and begin warm-up. 

  • S: Subjective  (independent warm-up in composition book to review last lesson)
  • O: Objective  (lesson for the day)
  • A: Assessment of understanding  (Q and A)
  • P: Plan (introduction to upcoming lesson)


On occasion, we will reference portions of the following TV series: House MD, CSI, Bones, Forensic Files and Criminal Minds for reinforcement of relevant course material.  We will also watch the movie And The Band Played On (PG-13) by Randy Shilts and Arnold Schulman in the entirety during our study of the lymphatic system.



Grades are based on category weights. 

Participation/Classwork/Homework will be 30%

Quizzes are 30%

Tests/Projects will be 40%

The above will total 100% which will make up 75% of their final grade. 

Health Science I has a state-mandated final exam that will comprise the remaining 25% of the final grade.  Morning and/or After School Tutoring is available upon request.  


Classroom Management Plan


Students are expected to:

  • Be punctual
  • Be prepared for class
  • Turn in work on time 
  • Stay on task (no sleeping, working on other assignments, or cell phone use)
  • Phones will be placed in the holder at the beginning of each class
  • Be respectful to themselves and to others
  • Always challenge themselves
  • Follow the classroom rules and the rules provided to them by the MRHS Student Handbook


If a student does not follow these expectations while in class the following action will be taken; verbal warning, phone call home, referral and/or conference with administration. 


Make-up tests will only be given to students who are absent on test days.  It is the student’s responsibility to schedule make-up tests within the timeframe stated in the Student Handbook (2 days).


Our school policy states that cell phones are not to be utilized.


During instructional time, chromebooks are not permitted unless stated by the instructor.  When assignments requiring chromebooks are given, students are expected to use them for educational purposes only.  Gaming or other activities unrelated to this class will result in losing the privilege of using the chromebook.


Thank you for your cooperation.  I look forward to a productive semester!


Katherine Lowman, LAT, ATC

Course Summary:

Date Details Due