Course Syllabus

Syllabus - Foods 1                                                                     Mrs. Corday

Marvin Ridge High School                                               

Welcome to Foods I

Course Description: This course examines the nutritional needs of the individual. Emphasis is placed on fundamentals of food production, kitchen and meal management, food groups and their preparation, and time and resource management. These are the course objectives:

Understand the relationship between food choices and health.

Understand fundamentals of food preparation.

Understand procedures, nutrition and cooking methods in food preparation.

Understand procedures, equipment and techniques applied to baking production.

Understand the principals of etiquette for meal service.

Apply methods for meal planning and preparation.

Supplies Needed:

2 college ruled 100 page notebooks

6 Elmer’s Glue sticks


Classroom Rules

Be prepared daily with ALL required materials.

Be respectful to yourself, the teacher, other students, and school property.

Pay attention and stay awake.

Complete the work required of you and always put forth your best effort.

Follow all school rules.

Be in your seat and ready to begin when the bell rings.

Clean up after yourself.

No Cell phone use in the classroom – with the exception of teacher initiated activities.


Grading Policy

Quizzes, labs, classwork, class participation and projects will determine each six week grade. A point system will be used. Everything will be given a point value ranging from 1 – 100 points. Each six weeks is worth 25% of your final grade. There is also a mandatory state exam at the end of the course that is worth 25% of your semester grade.   


Final Grade

First six week grade……..25%    Second six week grade….25%   Third six week grade…….25%   Final Exam…………….…25%


Absence / Make – Up work Procedure: Upon returning to school following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work. There is a binder in class with the information about the work you missed.

Chromebooks: Students are expected to bring their charged Chromebooks to class each day. We will use them frequently.

Community Service – Everyone works at their own pace and sometimes a student has finished his/her classwork so they have ‘free’ time. In the Foods classroom they will have the opportunity to work on plarn (plastic yarn) during their ‘free’ time. We will donate the plarn to a local charity that makes mats for the homeless people of Charlotte.

Homework: Most of our work will be completed in the classroom unless they did not finish their work in class.  Occasionally there may be topics to research at home

**For the first two 6 week sessions each student will be required to prepare one class recipe at home. They will then have someone at home complete a survey about the preparation, presentation, taste and clean-up. Please encourage your student to share the recipes and cook what they have learned J

Cooking Labs We will have cooking labs every Friday. If they miss more than 1 lab per grading period they are required to make it up at home. Your students look forward to this every week and their lab partners rely on them. Please plan their doctor appointments and your vacations so that they don’t miss labs on Friday’s.

There will be a final project in Foods I: The student will be the meal manager for one recipe at school. This includes planning the menu, shopping for the ingredients, preparing and presenting the food pepared.

Wish List:

These items are not required but would greatly benefit our class.

Disinfectant wipes                        Tissues                             Ziploc bags (gallon size)

Napkins                 Paper towels            


Contact Information: I am available during 2nd block by appointment only. Please feel free to contact the school and leave a message (704) 290-1520, or you may e-mail me at


Course Summary:

Date Details Due