Course Syllabus

Course Desription:  This chemistry course encourages students to continues their investigation of the structure of matter along with chemical reactions and the conservation of energy in these reactions. Inquiry is applied to the study of the transfornmtaion, composition, structure, and properties of substances. The course focuses on basic chemical concepts and incorporates activities that promote investigations to reinforce the concepts. The essesntial standards and clarrifying objectives may be found at the NC DPI website located at


Course Outline: *This outline provides a general idea of the concepts we will cover;  all topics and the order they are taught in are subject to change**


  1. Foundational Chemistry
  2. Atomic Structure
  3. The mole
  4. Chemical bonding and naming
  5. Chemical equations
  6. Stoichiometry
  7. Gas Laws
  8. Solutions and phase changes
  9. Acids and Bases
  10. Thermochemistry



Course Materials: For this class you are REQUIRED to have the following items

  • A binder or notebook for notetaking and storing handouts
  • A scientific calculator (does not need to be a graphing)
  • Index cards on a ring for continual use throughout the year (this is NOT optional and you cannot use an online forum). You can make these yourself with a shower ring or you can buy them with a ring from staples/office depot/joannes.

WISH LIST: Tissue, dish soap and paper towels, the school does not provide these so we are in need of them.


Course Grading:

                ** Credit will not be given to students who copy assignments or plagiarize materials.** There is no exception to this rule!!

  • Tests: Tests will be admistered at the end of every unit in order to access student progress and learning. The tests material will come from class lectures, lab experiements, and any other assigned CW/HW. The tests will consist of multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, and free response.  All tests will be weighted equally. Test corrections will be completed after every exam. (This is to ensure that students understand all of the important concepts taught in the class before proceeding).  This is 50% of your overall grade
  • Labs: Labs are designed for students to develop a deeper understanding of the materials as well as develop critical thinking and inquiry skills. There will be several labs throughout the semester, however they require compliance to the science laboratory guidelines and safety expectations. If students fail to follow the lab safety rules, the lab will be stopped immediately and a zero will be earned. This is 25% of your overall grade
  • Research/group projects: As projects are assigned you will receive a rubric and guidelines for completing the project.
  • Other assignments: As chemistry students you will be responsible for completing all of the assigned materials such as quizzes, classwork, homework, and other assignments. This is 25% of your overall grade

Classroom rules: Students are expected to:

  • Be in your assigned seat and completing the warm-up when the bell rings.
  • Any homework or classwork that is due should be on your desk by the time the bell rings.
  • Raise your hand when wanting to make a comment or ask/answer a question.
  • Be respectful and kind to all of your peers and their learning enviornment.
  • Follow all school/district rules, regulations, and policies.
  • Cell phones and inapproriate language will not be tolerated.
  • Use of the restroom will be premitted upon aprroval only during independent and break out activities.


Lab Rules:

  • No food, drinks, or gum
  • Closed toes shoes must be worn on the day of a lab
  • Hair and loose clothing must be ties back and secured.
  • All personal belongings must be left at your desk with the exception of a writing utensil and your lab workbook.
  • Goggles must be worn during all labs that utilize materials other than air and water.
  • Always read the directions and labels before the use of anything in the lab and be sure to ask questions if you are ever unsure.
  • Always clean up your work area as instructed and wash your hands at the end of the lab


Absent/ Late Work:

When you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to collect your absent work from the absent folder and collect any missed lab data/notes from your peers. All absent work must be turned in within 2 days of being absent. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. It is your responsibility to write absent on the top and place in the drop box.  Late work can be turned in only 1 date late for a 10% penality, anything passed that will not be accepted for credit. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE.

**There can be extenduated circumstances upon approval when I am contacted by your guardian within 24 hours of the due date.




  • Monday- B Lunch
  • Thursday- A Lunch
  • After school by appointment

Course Summary:

Date Details Due