Course Syllabus

Dear Parents and Students,

                Welcome to 7th grade communication skills.  I am looking forward to working with all of you, and I expect to accomplish many positive things together.  To ensure that we all have a successful school year, please read the following expectations:


  1. Materials and supplies

Each student will need a 1” or 2” three ring binder, 5 divider tabs, loose leaf paper, pencils, 2 composition (cow) notebooks, and a highlighter. OPTIONAL: a vinyl pencil pouch or box containing the following: colored pencils, scissors, small ruler, black sharpie, glue stick, markers or colored pencils. This pencil pouch can be used in other classes…students do not need to have one specifically for my class.

  1. Grading Scale

Your child’s grade cannot be calculated by averaging all grades with a calculator as all grades are calculated on a computer spreadsheet by using the following percentages:

Informal Assignments (Classwork/Homework)                     40% of the six week grade

Formal Assignments (Tests/Quizzes/Projects)                       60% of the six week grade

  1. Late/Make-up work

Work will be accepted up to two days late with a 25 point deduction each day.  One day late = a maximum of 75, two days = 50, 3 days = 0.   If a student is absent, he/she has two days for each day of absence in order to make up the missing work.  In the event of an extended absence of 3 or more days, you may call the office to have your child’s teachers collect assignments to be placed in the office for you to pick up. I will not leave work to be picked up in the office if the absence is for less than 3 days. If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, he or she will be expected to turn the assignment in on the day of his or her return to school.  The student is responsible for asking for make-up work when he/she is absent.

  1. Reading Logs

Daily reading logs will NOT be required at the beginning of the year, but students are expected to read independently at least four days per week for at least 15 minutes per day to start.  This requirement will changed once the reading log format has been assigned.  Reading responses will be completed in class and will have a specific format.  Directions will be forthcoming.  Until our classes visit the media center, students will be responsible for obtaining their own reading materials.

  1. Power School

Power School allows you to have access to your child’s grades online 24 hours per day, and the program also gives you the option of receiving email updates on your child’s progress as often as once per day. However, you must have a PARENT username and password to access your child’s information, and you must show a picture ID in the front office in order to obtain a password.  I will enter grades according to the schedule below.

Tests/Projects/other long assignments – grades entered 2 weeks (14 days) from due date or date test is given.

Homework, classwork, etc. – grades entered within one week (7 days) from due date

  1. Communication

Email is a valuable tool for maintaining open lines of communication between parent and teacher.  I will be sending a couple of emails per week with reminders of classroom and school happenings.  I will be able to forward copies of information to you, remind you of report card/progress report dates, let you know about homework assignments, etc.  Additionally, my Canvas website will be updated weekly, usually on Fridays.

  1. Discipline

Students will be provided with a list of classroom rules.  Please refer to the student handbook for PRMS and Union County policies.  Misbehavior will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly. 

  1. Grievances

If you need to discuss any issues or problems regarding policies, procedures, grading, classroom incidents, etc., please give your child’s teachers the professional courtesy of discussing the issue with them first.  After discussion with the teacher involved, if the issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may feel free to contact administration.  Contacting an administrator first will not resolve the issue any more quickly, as our principals will ask you to contact the teacher first.


If you have further questions, you may contact me at 225-7555 from 12:50-2:15 daily.  You may also contact me via email at

Course Summary:

Date Details Due