Course Syllabus

             Monroe High School - Biology 1               

Sara Howarth - Room M114


Welcome to Biology!! I am very excited to begin this journey with you. We will be using technology, virtual and hands-on laboratory activities, projects, and discussion to focus on five major areas this semester:    


1)  Biomolecules                                                                    

2)  Structures and Functions of Living Organisms                            

3)  Genetics                                        

 4)  Evolution

5)  Ecosystems


Guidelines, Procedures, and Expectations



Biology is a requirement for Graduation.  In order to pass and receive credit for Biology, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Student average of at least 60% for the semester and the Final Exam score of 3 or better.
  • Total of 7 or fewer absences for the semester. Please see updated attendance policy.
  • Grades will be recorded and compiled as follows:
    • Tests (25%)
    • Classwork (25%)
    • Written labs/Projects (40%)
    • Quizzes (10%)

A separate grading rubric will be included for all special assignments to help students understand how the assignment will be graded and what is required to achieve each level of grade.


Students will NOT be allowed to recover any classes after they have missed more than 15 class periods. 

To be successful in any course, you need to be in class on time, prepared, and ready to learn.  You are responsible to schedule all make-up labs, quizzes, and tests with me upon your return.  Be sure to show me your homework from the day(s) of your absence - and to obtain the homework assignments for those days.

PLEASE NOTE: All make-up work must be completed in accordance with school policy.  Any work that is not completed in the established time frame is late and will not be accepted.

SPECIAL NOTE:  If you are aware of an absence in advance (i.e. field trips, appointments) see me PRIOR to your absence to make arrangements. 



Students are expected to act in a manner that is respectful and courteous:

  • show respect and courtesy for all class members and the teacher
  • be prepared daily with all required materials
  • be punctual - be seated and ready to begin when the bell rings
  • conduct themselves in a manner which respects all students’ right to learn
  • follow all verbal and written instructions from the teacher
  • always put forth their best effort


Failure to meet these expectations will result in warnings, individual conferences, detentions (before or after school), parent contacts/conferences and disciplinary referrals.       




The following materials are needed on a daily basis:

  • Chromebook charged and ready to use.
  • Binder (1.5 inch or 2 inch)
  • pen, pencil, paper

You will also use the following for various classroom activities and for assignments:

  • graph paper optional
  • colored pencils


Your DAILY class notes, activities, labs, assignments will be entered into your Biology Binder which will be kept in the Classroom so I may correct work/grade. This will be used to help review for quizzes and tests.  It will hold all papers and activities not done on your Chromebook until they are added to your Biology Binder. 



When you arrive in the classroom, you need to be seated before the bell rings. Under no circumstance are you allowed to stand in the hallway once you have reached the classroom.

Please do the following as soon as you are seated:

  • If there are handouts for the day’s lesson please make sure you have them before you sit down.
  • Take out all class materials.
  • Begin working on your pre-classwork assignment (Warm-Ups/Do Now) - you may use your textbook, notes and homework. Remember this is an individual task, no talking please.


A typical class period will involve the following:

  • Reviewing pre-classwork and opening activity.
  • Checking homework and reviewing previous material.
  • Completing the lesson for the day (notes, activity, lab, video, quiz, test).
  • Reviewing the lesson and instructions for the assignment.


Students are NOT allowed to leave the classroom during the first 15 minutes or last 15 minutes of class.





Tutoring is not only for help on homework - I will be happy to work with students on any topic - study skills, note-taking and test review.  Students are welcome to work on assignments for any of their courses in my classroom during tutoring times even when they do not need my assistance with science.

Students are expected to attend tutoring as necessary to enable their maximum success in class.  If a student scores below a 75% on any test or quiz they are required to attend tutoring the week the assessment is returned. 

I will post changes to my tutoring schedule on the classroom door each week if they occur. – I am available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15 to 4:30. (Wednesdays and Fridays by appointment).

I will personally notify parents by phone or email if a student is falling behind or choosing not to complete work at home or in class. PARENT NOTE: Please make sure your contact information at MHS is up-to-date and complete. You can update your contact information by calling the school at 704-296-3130 between 8:30-4pm. 


In order to retain lab privileges, students must:

  • Take and PASS a lab safety test.
  • Follow all instructions and rules on laboratory safety sheets in addition to all verbal instructions from the teacher
  • Dress appropriately based on pre-lab discussion (closed-toe shoes, long pants, etc.)
  • Wear protective eyewear - keeping these on at all times during the activity
  • Refrain from loud talking, running or moving too quickly, throwing items, horseplay and performing unauthorized lab procedures
  • Refrain from eating, drinking and gum-chewing
  • Come to lab prepared with all lab materials - including pre-lab work


Students who fail to follow these regulations will be removed from the lab setting and will receive a zero for the activity.  An alternate assignment on the same material will be required.







Course Summary:

Date Details Due