Course Syllabus

3 Important Links!

Living Vocabulary

Rolling Science Homework!

School social worker email address: 



Mr. Lyons

7th Grade Science Class

2019 - 2020




(704) 296-0107


Welcome to our science class!!!


This year we will be learning many things in science.  I plan on making this a fun and exciting year and hope that your child will enjoy our class. Please feel free to contact me at the phone number and email address listed above.  Please take the time to read the attached sheet with the required rules and sign the bottom portion and return it to me. Each student will need a composition notebook specifically for science.



North Carolina Grade 7 Holt Science & Technology


Units of Study


  • Earth Systems, Structure and Processes
  • Energy Conservation and Transfer
  • Evolution and Genetics
  • Forces and Motion
  • Structure and Functions of Living Organisms


Grading Percentage Weights


Class Work/Labs 20%

Tests/ Major Projects  40%

Minor Projects & Quizzes    30%

Homework 10%



Grading Rubric

90% - 100% A

80% - 89% B

70% - 79% C

60% - 69% D

Below - 59% F



I am available for tutoring Tuesday afternoons from 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm in my classroom.

You must contact me for tutoring on Monday at the beginning of the week.


Possible Projects:

There will be several projects throughout the year. These may include: Body Systems Advertisement, Cell Division Rap, Cell Debate, Roller Coaster project, and many other creative ways to express different aspects of science.


Homework Policy:

All assignments are to be turned in complete and on time.  If absent, homework assigned prior to the absence is due upon return.  It is the responsibility of the student to ask for work missed during an absence.

A child who does not complete an assigned homework will have an opportunity to turn in the missing assignment by 8:40am the following school day for no greater than a 70% credit. If the student fails to turn in late/missing work the homework will be a zero.


Students Responsibilities

  •        Bring all necessary materials to class each day
  •       Bring completed assignments to class each day
  •        Ask questions when a concept or assignment is not understood
  •        Actively participate in all activities and discussions
  •        Keep an updated agenda at all times
  •        Study current topics for all quizzes and tests
  •        Remain on task at all times




  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Phone Call
  3. Lunch/Team time Detention
  4. Team Meeting with Parent
  5. Referral


Let’s make this a great year.  Please come to school ready to learn.  I look forward to meeting and working with all of you!


C = Collaboration

A = Achievement

R = Respect

E = Excellence


Every child, every day!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due