Course Syllabus

✍Year Long Art ~ Advanced Artists🎨 

Visual Art ~ Ms. Peppard

May 18th-June 9th 2020 ~ Changes Unit


Keep Calm and Carry On: Changes on Medium - The Partnered Pen - Medium

Hello boys and girls, our last unit for the school year will focus on change. How art mediums can change, how a place or thing can change, and how you change. These last art projects are more advanced because you, as an artists, are more advanced. 

  • Watch the music video below. Observe Charles Bradley's facial expressions, how he connects to the viewer! What is he singing about? What is his message about change?

Charles Bradley "Changes" (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

  • Explore the assignments first by reading through all of the directions.
  • You may work in any order you want!
  • I challenge you to complete all three art projects by June 9th. That's one art project a week! You can do that, right🤷‍♀️🎨👍

1. Fond Material Weaving ~ Changing Art Mediums: this art project will teach you how weaving is used around the world for decorative and functional purposes (art history). You will learn how to create a loom and weave a decorative piece of art. Please watch all of the videos and email me with any questions.


2. Mindful Metamorphosis ~ How a thing or a place can Change:this art project will engage your imaginations as well as your technical skills. You may use any art medium you wish to create this drawing.


3. Drawing a "SELFIE" Portrait/Portrait ~ How do humans Change: this project focuses on your observational skills and technical skills. The project is very open to interpretation and self expression. Have FUN with it!!!!

Shades of Summer | Middle school art projects, Art assignments ...Blizzard Bag Assignment: Selfie Portrait - Mr. March Mistler Art + ...

  • Instructions for all on-line art projects can be found under assignments. You may work on any of our projects and submit them to me by June 9th.

When you have completed one assignment take a picture of it and either upload it to canvas or submit it to me via my email address at


Course Summary:

Date Details Due