Semester 7th Grade ~ Art is a Subject!!!
Welcome to Ms. Peppard's Class
1st Semester: Art Folder Covers and Review/New Art Information!
1st Art Project: Art Folder Cover
7th graders will review and/or learn about the elements of art while taking notes on introductory art vocabulary. Art students will create an art folder cover which will focusing on shape, line, space, and color. This allows me to asses what students know about composition, technical skill, craftsmanship, and how to use various art medium properly.
2nd Art Project: Mixed Media Self Portrait ~ Learning About Identity
Mrs. Nair, our current visual art student teacher, is working with 7th grade students about identity and discovering the many layers that make up who they are. 7th grade artists are using a mixed media technique to create a self portrait which focuses on values, identity, as well as emphasis. Be sure to keep a look out in the halls for these master pieces!
3rd Art Project: Clay Totem Poles
Mrs. Nair taught 7th grade art student the proper techniques and art vocabulary for using clay during this unit. Art students then created a spoon clay totem pole. Each totem pole was required to have four symbols to represent an important event or aspect of each student's life.

4th Art Project: Hybrid Etched Animals
Mrs. Nair instructed students two choose two animals to create a new hybrid animal. 7th graders first drew their hybrid animals, outlined them with black sharpie, colored them in with crayons, painted over their fabulous creations with black acrylic paint, and last but not least etched designs into their animals focusing on texture!

5th Art Project: Color Theory with Romero Britto
Ms. Peppard will teach 7th graders intermediate color wheel color theory. Next we will learn how to construct an intermediate color wheel using water color techniques. After students have a basic knowledge of color theory we will explore the colorful artwork of Romero Britto.
Students will create a Romero Britto inspired piece of artwork focusing on pattern.

Students are graded on all art projects based upon a set of criteria given during instructions and how well they executed those directions.
Yearlong Art: applications for yearlong art will be passed out to students in class after the winter break. In order to take yearlong art students must fill out an application and submit it to me by the given deadline.
Seventh graders will be assigned at least two drawing projects during the semester. Drawing projects are designed to further develop students use of art medium as well as focus on technical skills.
Drawing Project #1 ~ Inspirational Diamonds
Drawing Project #2 ~ Illustrate the Idiom
- Parents, please be sure to ask your visual art student what they are learning in art!