Course Syllabus





UCPS Yearly Pacing
Kindergarten: 2019-2020
Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Reading We Are Readers: Launching Reading: September 3 - October 8 Readers Study Patterns in Fiction and Informational Text: October 10 - November 1 Superpowers- Reading With Print Strategies and Sight Word Power: November 4 - December 20 Bigger Books, Bigger Reading Muscles: January 6 - February 14
Becoming Avid Readers: February 18 - March 19
Reading For Information: March 23 - May 9 Readers Get to Know Characters by Pretending and Performing Books
May 11 - June 9
Writing Launching the Writing Workshop September 3 - October 8 Writing Pattern Books to Read, Write, and Teach October 10 - November 1 Writing All About Books that Teach: November 4 - December 20 Opinion Writing of All Kinds - Change the World Poster, Sticky Note Book Review, Letter, Advice: January 6 - February 7 Raising The Quality Of Narrative Writing (Small Moments)Writing Authors as Mentors: February 10 - March 19 Informational and How to Books to Teach: March 23 - May 9 Poetry And Songs: May 11 - June 9
Weather (5 Lessons)
needs to be a daily discussion throughout the school year
Properties Position and Motion Living Things
Math S

Build a Mathematical Community; Count by ones and associate number with quantity to 10 Classify objects based on a shared attribute, and describe objects in the environment Build sense of numbers with counting, written numerals, and quantities Apply understandings of quanity to compare groups. Use new vocabulary when identifying and modeling 2D shapes Apply number sense to begin joining, separating, and decomposing numbers
Identify, describe, classify, and compose 3D shapes

Explore parts and wholes with addition and subtraction
Determine and use measurable attributes Adding and subtracting through 10 Apply understandings of quanity to compare numerals. Use attributes to compare shapes Build foundations of place value by exploring teen numbers

Social Studies
I am a Citizen.

*History standards will additionally be adressed through the class timeline.
We are Alike. We are Different.

*History standards will additionally be adressed through the class timeline.
What’s Around Me?

*History standards will additionally be adressed through the class timeline.
We Have Needs. We Have Wants.

*History standards will additonally be adressed through the class timeline.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due