Course Syllabus

Welcome to Mrs. Kopcznski’s Math Class


  • 1. Follow directions the first time given.
  • 2. Respect yourself and others.
  • 3. Come prepared and ready to learn.
  • CHAMP - follow guidelines provided by the teacher

Materials You Will Bring Each Day

Pencils, two composition notebooks, computer, headphones/earbuds

Grading Scale Weights

90 – 100  A 

80 – 89  B 

70 – 79  C 

60 – 69  D

0 – 59  F

45% Formative (Classwork and Exit Tickets)

45% Summative (Tests and Quizzes)

10% Homework


You will be given a weekly homework assignment every Monday.  Each night you will be responsible for a select number of questions.  Homework will be due, complete, on Friday. You will be provided with opportunities to work on this at school.  

Summative - Quizzes/Tests  

You will have tests and quizzes throughout the school year.  Quizzes will be 12 questions or less and will be open notes. Quizzes will cover the current topic being covered in class.  Tests will be more than 12 questions and you will not be able to use your notes when taking a test. Tests will cover current as well as previously covered topics.  Tests and quizzes will contain multiple choice, open response, and drag and drop questions. You will be allowed to use a calculator for specific topics. I will let you know which topics you will be able to use a calculator on.

Formative - Classwork

You will have a weekly formative grade.  This grade will come from your classwork assignments that you do daily as well as exit tickets throughout the week.


If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to get your missed work.  Be sure to check your table folder for any handouts during your absence. You will need to ask a classmate for the notes.


If you choose not to turn in an assignment, you will be given a zero.  Zeros can be made up during the term they were due. There will be a deduction of 10 points from the highest possible grade earned on the assignment.   

Behavior Plan

Positive consequences will be given for individual choices as well as class choices , one or a mix of the list below will be used.  Depending on your choice, other options may be used to help you be your best.

  1. Red Critter Points/Badges
  2. Positive note/phone call home
  3. Listening to music during classwork time
  4. Sitting by a friend at lunch
  5. Office Referral (yes, these can be good too)

If negative consequences need to be given for your choices, one or a mix of the list below will be used most frequently.  Depending on your choice, other options may be used to help you be your best.

  1. Warning
  2. Teacher/Student conference
  3. Bounce and/or lunch detention
  4. Conference with Student and Parent
  5. Office Referral

How to Contact Mrs. Kopcznski

Please feel free to contact me at school if you would like to discuss your child’s progress or any concern you may have.  You may call me at 704.296.3120, send a note, or email. My email address is:

What We Will Learn

Unit 1---Proportional Relationships

  • Unit Rates
  • Proportional quantities in charts, graphs, and equations
  • Using scale factors and unit rates to solve ratio and percent problems
  • Solve problems involving scale drawings

Unit 2---Reasoning with Rational Numbers

  • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide all rational numbers
  • Use these skills to solve multi-step, real world problems

Unit 3---Probabilistic Reasoning

  • Determine probability as a number that ranges from 0 to 1
  • Experimental probability; collect data, analyze the chance of an event occurring
  • Probability models
  • Compound and simple events

Unit 4---Reasoning About Expressions

  • Use properties of operations to simplify algebraic expressions
  • Identify the GCF of an algebraic expression in order to rewrite an equivalent expression

Unit 5---Reasoning About Equations and Inequalities

  • Construct and solve equations
  • Construct and solve inequalities
  • Use equations and inequalities to work with angles and side lengths of triangles
  • Use equations to work with complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent angles

Unit 6---Geometric and Measurement Reasoning

  • Calculate area and circumference of circles
  • Solve problems involving perimeter, area, surface area, and volume

Unit 7---Reasoning About Population Samples

  • Know the difference between populations and samples
  • Know how to create a random sample to draw statistical conclusions
  • Understand how bias can skew data

Unit 8---Comparing Populations

  • Calculate measures of variability; mean absolute deviation, range, and interquartile range
  • Use measures of center and variability to solve statistical questions

Course Summary:

Date Details Due